主演:Eloise Mumford Dan Jeannotte Brend
简介: Carrying on the legacy of her deceased Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the master chocolatier at How Sweet It Is in the Midwestern town of Watson Corners, the store which she owns and operates with her widowed mother, Helen Sweet. In this new year, they are facing a massive rent increase, which they can only cover by increased business in what is their busy season in the lead up to Valentine's Day or risk closing altogether. In the unwitting help of Lucy's best friend Serena and their new employee Georgie, whose social media posts are increasing the shop's exposure, Lucy and Helen believe the way out of their financial predicament is the chocolate cupid, a confection which was originally only given/sold to friends and family in the legend that eating it will lead to true love for those whose hearts are open to it. Lucy had long created a wall in the shop featuring the many couples who attest to their love happening after eating the cupid, one being Helen herself and her now deceased husband, Scott Sweet. Helping or hindering that exposure is the arrival of reporter Dean Chase of Channel 55 News, who was given the assignment of covering the legend of chocolate cupid by the station's news director, Nora Nguyen. The issue with Dean is that he is renowned for his no holds barred exposés, he only given this assignment by Nora to help him show the network brass that he's not a one trick pony in being considered for a job he really wants as a news anchor for their Chicago affiliate's morning show. Dean's initial inclination is to call out the fraud that is the cupid in he truly believing it to be such, he changing his tune if only in the goal of the promotion. All this added exposure does the trick of the needed increased revenue, with the question being whether Dean is converted as he and Lucy spend time together and start to fall for each other. This item may be tested as Nora wants this extended assignment to culminate on Valentine's Day with Dean eating a cupid on camera, a long term arrangement with Lucy which may be incompatible with his professional end goal of a job in New York City. It may also test Lucy's commitment as she admits to never have eaten a cupid herself not so much in fearing love, but what comes after love, namely pain and heartbreak as witnessed by the extreme grief experienced by Helen when Scott died.—Huggo
主演:鲍比·坎波 珊特尔·范圣滕 尼克·扎诺 海雷·韦伯 麦凯尔泰·威廉逊
简介:尼克(鲍比•坎波 Bobby Campo 饰)携女友洛丽(珊特尔•范圣藤 Shantel VanSanten 饰)和朋友亨特(尼克•扎诺 Nick Zano 饰)及女友简妮(海莉•魏波)到赛车场观看赛车表演,尼克突然预见某辆赛车将发生事故冲向人群,部分看台坍塌,他与朋友全部丧生。惊慌失措的尼克强迫朋友随他离开赛场,并惊动了保安乔治(麦凯尔泰•威廉逊 Mykelti Williamson)及其他四位观众。逃过死神的尼克发现幸存者们纷纷在稀奇古怪的事故中丧命,而自己竟能预见死亡原因。恐惧中尼克和洛丽求助于乔治,试图打破怪圈对抗死神,然而努力真会见效,宿命真能改变吗? 本片是《死神来了》系列的首部3D版本
主演:亚当·桑德勒 德鲁·巴里摩尔 罗伯·施奈德 西恩·奥斯汀 卢西亚·斯杜
语言:英语 / 夏威夷语
简介: 亨利·罗斯(亚当·桑德勒)是个典型的花花公子,他最擅长的事就是以不同的身份,让美女迷恋上他,并在事后,迅速从关系中脱身。身为夏威夷海洋馆的兽医,亨利有着无尽的浪漫情怀来感染到此休闲的美女,这一次他看上了在餐馆独自用餐的露西(德鲁·巴里摩尔饰)。 他们在一起谈天说地,用百吉饼搭建小房子,笑声不断。亨利对女孩恋恋不舍,相约明晨再次一起用餐。然而,第二天清晨,当亨利热情的与露西打招呼时,露西却宛如陌生人一般冷淡。原来女孩由于车祸患上了奇怪的短期记忆丧失症,记忆永远停留在车祸的前一天。 情圣亨利遇到了自己的难题,他坠入的情网,却爱上一个不断对爱情失忆的女孩儿…
主演:菲丽希缇·琼斯 约翰·约瑟夫·菲尔德 凯瑞·穆里根 杰拉丁妮·詹姆斯
简介: 根据奥斯丁同名小说《诺桑觉寺》改编而成。 乡村牧师之女凯瑟琳(Felicity Jones饰)是个天真烂漫的少女,受闭塞的家庭环境所限,她终日在小说天地里徜徉探幽,以此为平淡生活增亮添彩。 在有钱朋友的引领下,凯瑟琳进入了上流社会的社交圈,她终于见识到现实中的花花世界,其中不乏虚伪狡猾者如索普兄妹和蒂尔尼将军,也有值得终身结交的挚友艾丽诺。凯瑟琳和艾丽诺的哥哥:温文尔雅、俊逸潇洒的亨利(JJ Feild饰)一见倾心,再见钟情,理所当然的,迎接他们的也将是奥斯丁的男女主人公势必经历的种种磨难和考验。
主演:阿比盖尔·布雷斯林 格雷戈·金尼尔 保罗·达诺 艾伦·阿金 托妮·科莱
简介: 7岁的奥利芙,戴眼镜,小肚腩,做一夜成名的美梦,坚信自己有朝一日能当选美国小姐。 爸爸,推销成功学课程的讲师,相信“世界上只有两种人,成功者和失败者”,四处贩卖他的“成功九部曲”;哥哥,自闭男,崇拜尼采,为了考上飞行学院发哑誓,九个月没有同家人说话;舅舅,自称是美国最好的普鲁斯特研究学者,同性恋,恋人和同事跑掉、失业,自杀未遂,生活混乱;爷爷(阿兰·阿尔金 饰),被养老院赶出来的老流氓,满嘴脏话、吸毒;妈妈,是这个疯狂家庭唯一正常的人。 在家人的支持下,奥利芙参加了“阳光小美女”的选美比赛,一家人踏上了集体寻梦的旅程。 奥利芙能否如愿当选?家庭成员们怎样才能度过他们各自的危机?
主演:凯蒂·史蒂文斯 威尔·布里顿 劳瑞·爱丽莎·麦克莱恩 安德鲁·卡德威尔
简介: 又是一年万圣节,美丽女孩哈珀(凯蒂·史蒂文斯 Katie Stevens 饰)却跟家暴男友分手。对方心有不甘,即使在节日里仍对哈珀进行无止境的骚扰。夜幕降临,好闺蜜们已经装扮起来,一番死缠烂打终于将心情低落的哈珀带出房间。狂欢派对上,女孩们又认识了内森和伊凡两个大男孩。于是狂欢过后,这六个青年男女相约前往郊外的鬼屋寻求刺激。这间鬼屋煞有介事,不仅要求年轻人们签署协议,还必须把他们的手机收上来统一管理。完成入门手续后,哈珀等人进入鬼屋,结果第一场女巫残杀年轻女子的戏码就让她们大开眼界。受害女子凄惨哀嚎,折磨手段极其逼真,一度让年轻人们怀疑这是一场真实杀人秀。 很快他们的猜测得到了验证,因为杀戮正朝着这六个人展开…