主演:塞缪尔·杰克逊 卢克·科比 鲁丝·内伽 汤姆·威尔金森
简介: 弗雷(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)在铁窗之后度过了漫长的二十五年,终于刑满释放重见天日的他发誓,再也不要回到那狭小的监牢之中,过那种不见天日的痛苦生活了二十五年,整个世界仿佛变了个模样,弗雷对未来充满了希望,但又惴惴不安。 一位名叫艾瑞斯(鲁丝·内伽 Ruth Negga 饰)的活泼女子出现在了弗雷的身边,她的乐观和不羁令弗雷渐渐找回了自信,丢掉过去了阴霾,彻底融入新的生活,可是,曾经的搭档的儿子伊桑(卢克·科比 Luke Kirby 饰)的出现让弗雷明白,过去永远都不会过去。阴险狡诈的伊桑将目标放到了艾瑞斯的身上,这是弗雷不可触碰的底线,为了艾瑞斯,他决心再次铤而走险。
主演:Eloise Mumford Dan Jeannotte Brend
简介: Carrying on the legacy of her deceased Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the master chocolatier at How Sweet It Is in the Midwestern town of Watson Corners, the store which she owns and operates with her widowed mother, Helen Sweet. In this new year, they are facing a massive rent increase, which they can only cover by increased business in what is their busy season in the lead up to Valentine's Day or risk closing altogether. In the unwitting help of Lucy's best friend Serena and their new employee Georgie, whose social media posts are increasing the shop's exposure, Lucy and Helen believe the way out of their financial predicament is the chocolate cupid, a confection which was originally only given/sold to friends and family in the legend that eating it will lead to true love for those whose hearts are open to it. Lucy had long created a wall in the shop featuring the many couples who attest to their love happening after eating the cupid, one being Helen herself and her now deceased husband, Scott Sweet. Helping or hindering that exposure is the arrival of reporter Dean Chase of Channel 55 News, who was given the assignment of covering the legend of chocolate cupid by the station's news director, Nora Nguyen. The issue with Dean is that he is renowned for his no holds barred exposés, he only given this assignment by Nora to help him show the network brass that he's not a one trick pony in being considered for a job he really wants as a news anchor for their Chicago affiliate's morning show. Dean's initial inclination is to call out the fraud that is the cupid in he truly believing it to be such, he changing his tune if only in the goal of the promotion. All this added exposure does the trick of the needed increased revenue, with the question being whether Dean is converted as he and Lucy spend time together and start to fall for each other. This item may be tested as Nora wants this extended assignment to culminate on Valentine's Day with Dean eating a cupid on camera, a long term arrangement with Lucy which may be incompatible with his professional end goal of a job in New York City. It may also test Lucy's commitment as she admits to never have eaten a cupid herself not so much in fearing love, but what comes after love, namely pain and heartbreak as witnessed by the extreme grief experienced by Helen when Scott died.—Huggo
主演:翠西娅·奥凯丽 JaneLynch KaitlinOlson JonC
简介:年近35岁的女孩希尔薇娅(翠西娅·奥凯丽 Tricia OKelley饰)是一位西雅图早间电视节目的天气预报主持人。然而在一次实况转播中,这位“时髦的天气女孩”却在得知她的男友戴尔(马克·哈蒙 Mark Harmon饰)出轨后,在现场直播中发挥失常。很自然,希尔薇娅被解雇了。 希尔薇娅一直与戴尔同居,然而此事却让她心灰意冷,决定搬离戴尔。失去经济来源的希尔薇娅只好搬到弟弟沃尔特(瑞恩·戴弗林 Ryan Devlin饰)的家中暂住。沃尔特的邻居拜伦(帕特里克·J·亚当斯 Patrick J. Adams饰)是一位计算机程序员。他总是到沃尔特的公寓中工作,从而认识了单身又失业的希尔薇娅。在希尔薇娅寻找工作期间,拜伦不计回报地帮助着希尔薇娅。一段看似不可能的爱情火花,正在两人之间渐渐滋生,慢慢发芽。
简介:这部10集新剧描述一个家庭站在颇具争议的群众运动「朝圣之路」的中心——人际关系、婚姻、权力……挑战一个接一个剧情将深度解读每个人都会遇到的矛盾:现实生活和梦想生活的矛盾。该剧创作人坚称该剧情节并非建立在「科学神教」(或者叫做山达基教,Scientology)的基础上。在美国,「科学神教」是合法宗教,但它的性质(真宗教还是真邪教)一直都有争议。 上世纪七十年代,军队精神病专家Stephen Meyer创建了「朝圣之路」教派。这是一个毒品泛滥、充满神秘色彩和各种末日预言的宗教组织,他们甚至会讨论全球气候变化和恐怖主义等话题。对Meyer医生的追随者来说,逃离「人为灾难」并且在「伊甸园」重生的唯一方法就是参与他的精神运动。Meyer医生如今不知去向,但忠实信徒们坚信他正在某处撰写上帝赐予的「最终启示录」