主演:伊科·乌艾斯 Sisca Jessica Christine Haki
简介:Yuda是一个经验丰富的Silat Harima成员(该组织的标志是一个虎头),他居住在印度尼西亚的苏门答腊群岛的西边一个叫Minangkabau的小村子里近来,他在为Merantau的仪式做着最后的准备。这个仪式在这个小村子里已经施行了上百年,成为Merantau 之后的Yuda就要离开自己在乡村的家、离开田园牧歌一般的生活,他要来到印尼的首都雅加达,在这个繁华但是肮脏的大城市里打拼出自己的一片天下。 在一系列的挫折和阻碍之后,无家可归的Yuda感到失败和茫然,并且极度不确定自己的未来。一天,Yuda为了保护一个叫做Astri的孤儿而和一帮欧洲的罪犯大打出手,从而遭到他们报复性的追杀。Yuda只有带着Astri和她年幼的弟弟一起逃命。一路上,他们不仅要躲避那帮欧洲的罪犯、还要和形形色色、心怀鬼胎的皮条客、隐君子和小混混打交道。显然,这是一场势力悬殊的较量,但是Yuda没有选择的余地,他只有选择战斗。
主演:Jody Haucke Dixie Collins Richard G
简介:In a City where crime rules supreme, District Attorney Tony Quinn has the scales of justice stacked against him. When a crime boss has Tony blinded by acid, it seems that crime has won for good. But through a miracle of modern science, Tony is given the ability to see in the dark like a bat. Tony Quinn takes the guise of the Black Bat to see to it that crime pays and that the scales of justice are balanced once more.
主演:David James Elliott Anthony Lemke
简介:The world watches in awe as the Roebling Clipper is launched into space. Using state-of-the-art scalar engines to fly around the Moon and back in just hours, the maiden voyage of the first-ever trans-lunar passenger ship is about to make history. Among those on board: First Lady Simone Mathany, space-exploration entrepreneur Steve Roebling, Dr. Denise Balaban, pilot Fiona Henslaw, and a very lucky lottery winner. But while en route, a massive solar flare sparks a cosmic-ray burst that accelerates Aurora’s engine and blows the ship away from Earth’s orbit. Now out of control, it’s hurtling straight for the sun.
主演:Danny Trejo Ling Bai Tommy 'Tiny' L
导演:Jeremiah Hundley Daniel Zirilli
简介:Lonny Smith拥有很多钱,他可能随时为了救他的爱人而死Lonny Smith, a young man with a suitcase full of money, who might drop dead at any moment is searching for love with each dying breath even if he has to pay for it. One is an ex-assassin slave runner, who operates a mail order bride scam exploiting prostitutes infected by HIV. Another is a mysterious club owner named Kyo, who manages a cabaret show and finally, a vixen named Nana, the girl who will bring it all crashing down. They all will carve their way through the macabre alleys of a magical land buried in South East Asia, a city named Pali, the city of gold. In two days their lives will twist and turn, slicing a bloody trail leading them to a cryptic divine plan to create a new Lotus. She is an individual that can heal anything she touches, only, the current Lotus is suicidal, and has promised never to heal again.This two day adventure bereft with unfortunate players, in a do-or-die land, will entwine together in the most abstract of ways, to create a unique ethnically diverse surreal love-action-crime drama, that questions the importance of life and love. Through their eyes, we will uncover a miracle in the most unlikely of places.
主演:Denis Nikiforov Andrei Panin Yelena