简介:Can we reverse climate change? Ice on Fire explores the many ways we reduce carbon inputs to the atmosphere and, more important, how to "draw" carbon down, bringing CO2 out of the atmosphere and thus paving the way for global temperatures to go down. Reversing climate change is urgent, given that the world passed 400 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere resulting in climate instability across the globe. We have heard the predictions but now climate related events are a daily reality - summer 2018 was the hottest on record, storms are stronger, droughts are longer, the arctic ice is thin or non-existent and antarctica is melting faster than predicted. Through visiting visionaries and scientists young and old, the film explores the deep hope that we can turn away from the brink. And, just as we figure out drawdown, we face an added complexity, the release of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas in the arctic, that is now entering the atmsphere. As the film says: "Is it game over? Or is it game on? As we have at hand, the ability, the capacity, and solutions that can reverse global warming...not mitigate, not reduce, not stabilize, but reverse.'
主演:Francesco Anniballi Maria Bosco Gis
简介:本片中的一家罗马穷人纯粹是无恶不作的刁民,欺诈、通奸、谋杀、淫乱,什么都干。大家长失去了左眼,从政府那里获得一百万里拉的补偿,他的亲戚想给他下毒,而他自己则花天酒地,甚至把妓女带回家。他酗酒、吹牛,还拿着手枪威胁亲戚。那些亲戚们如同是歌剧里的合唱队,步调一致对付他。他那十多个孩子似乎都被困在这个贫民窟里,前途无望。 如果说意大利新现实主义电影将下层社会圣洁化,那么,本片则撕开了那层圣洁的外衣。影片非常搞笑,同时又令人沮丧,似乎贫穷就是一种罪恶。斯高拉凭本片获得戛纳影展最佳导演奖。