主演:TopJaronSorat PreeyakarnJaikanta Do
简介:100 years ago, the sisters Yod and Yard were the wives of Phra Wanathep. Yard was a loyal servant to madam Kamlai, his main wife. But Khun Thep asked Yod to help him get her sister and he would reward her. So Yod knocked her out and Wanathep raped her. Later, Yod tricks Yard into giving poison to Kamlai, to get rid of her and get Yard in trouble, so she can read morehave Khun Thep all to herself. So Yard unintentionally kills Kamlai and her 2 daughters. All the servants find out that Yard killed Kamlai so they hung her. Yods mother finds out that she caused Yards death so she stabbed Yod and put a curse on her, if she was to cause her mother to cry a tear again, she will never be able to get reborn. Khun Thep was reborn as Witsanu, an award-winning biography director. Witsanu received work from a TV show called Lao Ruang Teuk Gao (Telling the story of old buildings). Pal is a young architect that hosts the show, and for this particular episode the story of Phra Wanathep’s home is being told. The home is located in the Nang Barb (Sin Woman) amphoe/district. During filming, the staff sees something strange. They dont know that the place is haunted by the ghosts of Yod and Yard. Kamlai was reborn as an actress and Yod wants to apologize for her sins. So Yod and Yard end up possessing Ruengrin and Wisa, causing absolute chaos for the team.
主演:婉娜拉·宋提查 友塔纳·布格朗 Navin Yavapolkul Du
简介:弟弟Wathit(Toomtam 饰)是养父唯一的儿子,养父是一名北方富有的地主,拥有橘和茶叶的种植园Wathit自幼体弱,并患有先天性心脏病,所以养父和仆人一直悉心地照顾和呵护他。女主Methinee(Vill 饰)是Wathit从小便喜欢的女孩,但Methinee只把他当作朋友。她与母亲和弟弟开了一间花店,负责帮人速递鲜花。Angoon(Navin 饰)是Wathit的堂兄,同样喜欢女主,并自信地觉得Methinee会更喜欢他,但女主没有接受他的表白因为她不清楚自己的心意。男主Roothon是Wathit的双胞胎哥哥,虽然他的母亲常与养父联络,但他不知有弟弟的存在,因为母亲不曾告诉他。受过情伤的男主,对身边的女人都没有兴趣,直到有一次,因缘际遇之下,Roothon送花到Methinee的花店,并在花丛中发现可爱的她,拍了很多她的相片,这个女孩便是Methinee,Roothon并不知道他和弟弟喜欢上同一个女孩。Methinee的弟弟不小心牵涉在一单案件中,需要一笔庞大的金额以获他无罪释放,她知道就算卖了自己花店亦不够,所以只好找Wathit的养父协助,养父爱子如命,他知道Wathit最喜欢的人是Methinee,所以为了儿子开心,於是他向女主提出要求,只要她愿意与Wathit结婚,他便愿意帮她。Wathit非常开心与Methinee筹备婚礼,因为他终於可以娶到他深爱的女孩,与此同时,养父的生意伴很失望,本来他计划把女儿送到养父家照Wathit,希望他俩能够结婚,那他就可以分到养父的财产,另一边厢的Angoon非常妒忌Wathit,认为如果不是Wathit用肮脏手段逼Methinee嫁给他,否则以他那病弱的身体怎可以会得到Methinee,於是利用言语刺激Wathit,令到他心脏病病发。养父知道Wathit病发后,连夜带Wathit回家照顾,并让Roothon假扮成Wathit,继续与Methinee生活,以找出伤害Wathit的人,为了让身边人都相信Roothon,养父就对外宣称Wathit间歇性失忆了,而Methinee渐渐发觉自己丈夫和以前不太一样....