主演:JimCummings(Voice) NikitaHopkins(vo
简介:Awakened by a rumbling that could only be made by the much-feared Heffalump, the Hundred Acre Wood crew sets forth to catch the dreaded creature. Disregarded as too young to partake in such a dangerous expedition, little Roo opts to search on his own--with far greater success than his friends. But in meeting a young, playful Heffalump named Lumpy, Roo quickly discovers that Heffalumps are nothing like the creatures of the ominous stories hea?s been told, and that the creature is equally afraid of his silly pals. Roo and Lumpy strike up a sweet friendship and work together to dispel the unfounded fears of their respective friends and families.
主演:JeanArthur RobertCummings CharlesCo
简介:he wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of his many assets, and a minor one at that, is Neeley"s Department Store. There is labor unrest at the store, most of the employees" anger directed at Merrick, who they hang in effigy outside the store despite not knowing what he looks like. Merrick, not happy at what he sees going on, decides to go undercover working at the store to mete out the rabble-rousers. Undercover as Thomas Higgins, Merrick gets assigned as a sales clerk in the shoe department, where he is taken under the caring wing of his colleague Mary Jones, who sees in Higgins a poor man needing the guidance of friends. One of those other friends is Elizabeth Ellis, who Mary sees as a possible "Mrs. Higgins". Mary"s boyfriend is Joe O"Brien, the chief organizer of the employees, four hundred of whom are following Joe in the charge against the store and Merrick. At the store, Merrick not only wants the list of the four hundred, but also wants to change those things he doesn"t like at the store, chief amongst those being his shoe department section manager, Mr. Hooper. But as Higgins, Merrick also begins to see things a little differently, specifically from an employee"s point of view.
主演:EnniOjutkangas AlinaTomnikov SamiHu
简介:The Rendel movie will be a story of a man blinded by his desire for a revenge and hatred. Even though Rendel can be considered as a super hero, he is somewhat darker than the traditional representatives of the genre. The movie will take place in the fictionalized version of a Finnish city, Mikkeli.
主演:Erin Krakow 丹尼尔·利辛 谢拉赫·霍斯达尔 Mitchel
简介:"When Calls the Heart" based on the series of books by bestselling author, Janette Oke is the captivating story of Elizabeth Thatcher, a young teacher accustomed to her high society life, who receives her first classroom assignment in Coal Valley, a small coalmining town where life is simple, but often fraught with challenges. Abigail Stanton, a wife and mother whose husband, the foreman of the mine, along with a dozen other miners, has just been killed in an explosion. The newly widowed women find their faith is tested when they must go to work in the mines to keep a roof over their heads. Elizabeth charms most everyone in Coal Valley, except Constable Jack Thornton who believes Thatcher’s wealthy father has doomed the lawman’s career by insisting he be assigned in town to protect the shipping magnate’s daughter. Set against the wild canvas of a 19th century coal town, Elizabeth will have to learn the ways of the frontier if she wishes to thrive in the rural west on her own.
主演:Lena Headey Thomas Dekker Summer Gl
简介:《终结者外传》第二季还将继续着上一季的故事,Sarah Connor(Lena Headey饰)将在今天的洛杉矶为人类的未来而战,期望着能阻止不久就将来到的审判日以及改变自己儿子John(Thomas Dekker饰)的命运 随着终结者机器人的不断进化和强化,16岁的John也逐渐开始接受自己作为人类救世主的命运。同时,他还发现自己陷入了两个女孩的中间——一个是被送来保护他的Cameron(Summer Glau饰),漂亮但却可能对John的安全有潜在威胁,毕竟Cameron也是一个终结者;而另一个是John的新朋友Riley(Leven Rambin饰),她的出现似乎象征了John所追求的自由,但同样也可能给John带来威胁。而John的叔叔Derek Reese(Brian Austin Green饰)则继续和他们两母子并肩作战,但似乎Derek已经不那么受欢迎了。 另一方面,在和T-888型终结者 Cromartie(Garret Dillahunt饰)面对面并且逃过一命之后,FBI探员James Ellison(Richard T. Jones)开始深信Sarah的那句话:“没有人是绝对安全的。”Ellison探员现在明确了自己的目标,而Catherine Weaver(Shirley Manson饰),一个神秘公司的CEO,很有可能知道在哪里能找到Ellison追求的目标。 在第二季,Sarah一家人的生活越来越惊险,因为随着时间的推进,“现在”和“未来”在逐渐的合而为一。在“天网”发现John的行踪之前,Cameron还能保护他们多久?而John一家人能安全无恙么?《终结者外传》第二季将呈现更多的精彩。
主演:Lena Headey Thomas Dekker Summer Gl
简介:《终结者外传》(Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)是美国FOX公司将在2008年播出的剧集,根据经典科幻影片《终结者》系列改编,内容讲述的是《终结者2》中发生的一系列事件之后,女主角Sarah Connor(Lena Headey扮演)和她的儿子John(Thomas Dekker扮演)的生活 本剧集将在2008年的1月14日登陆美国FOX电视台,《终结者外传》中,John和Sarah将继续逃亡并竭力阻止“天网”计划,这个计划是“公司”制造用来毁灭人类的科技武器,在原版的影片中,Sarah总是会遇到来自未来的“终结者”(高科技机器人),有的是来保护她,而有的则是为了来消灭她。在新的电视剧中,Sarah和John不安于舒适的生活,于是再次踏上逃亡之路,来到了一个新的城市,在这里,John结识了一个当地女孩Cameron Phillips(Summer Glau扮演),本以为生活又可以继续安定下来,没想到John的老师Cromartie(Owain Yeoman扮演)的出现打破了平静,原来,这个代课老师是一名“终结者”,是来刺杀John的,而Cameron同样是一名“终结者”,不过她的任务是保护John,故事就此展开,一段新的逃亡开始了…… 剧中出演男主角John的托马斯·德克尔(Thomas Dekker)想必大家并不是很熟悉,不过看过美剧《超能英雄》(Heroes)的朋友应该了解,他就是在第一季中饰演拉拉队长克莱尔的同学,拿DV给克莱尔拍摄视频的那个男孩Zach。
主演:Abu Badr Umm Badr Raouf Dabbas
导演:Brian Hill Ben Lewis 陈为军 Alex Gibney Hugo Berkeley Osvalde Lewat Bosse Lindquist Mona Eldaief Jehane Noujaim Christoffer Guldbrandsen
简介:贫富不均对社会有什么影响?穷人真能掌握自己的未来?国际非营利组织STEPS INTERNATIONAL 所推动的《为什么贫穷?》(Why Poverty?)跨媒体计划,参与协同制作工作,与全球同步播出一系列探讨21世纪贫穷问题的纪录片《为什么贫穷?》是由总部位于丹麦的国际非营利组织STEPS INTERNATIONAL推动的非商业计划。Steps曾在2007年推动过《为什么要民主?》(Why Democracy?)。而《为什么贫穷?》即以此为基础,希望用影片刺激大众讨论贫穷问题;计划共同发起人还有英国广播公司(BBC)和丹麦广播公司(DR),这两家电视台也是本计划的主要合作伙伴和推动者。这计划邀请了来自世界各地的纪录片导演,以“为什么贫穷”为共同题目,拍摄了每集一小时共八集的纪录片,让世界共同思考贫穷问题,探讨全球10亿赤贫人口的过去与未来。本系列纪录片于2012年11月起全球播放,台湾PTS与英国BBC、美国PBS、日本NHK、香港RTHK等在内的70余家电视台均加入联合播出,估计观众总数超过 5 亿人。第1集 Poor Us: An Animated History of Poverty / 当我们穷在一起:动画贫穷史第2集 Welcome to the World / 人之初 性本穷第3集 Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream / 有钱有庇护:金钱、权力和美国梦第4集 Land Rush / 耕者无其田第5集 Give Us the Money / 摇滚救贫穷第6集 Stealing Africa / 生财有“盗”第7集 Solar Mamas / 太阳能妈妈第8集 Education, Education / 出路