主演:Marcela Jesus Lucas 'Koka' Penteado
简介:伊丽莎·卡派(Eliza Capai)的《Espero tua (re)volta》纪录二零一三年在圣保罗上演的一场学生运动,这是他们第一次上街游行,并一直持续进行至二零一八年十月的总统大选。这部片子聚焦于佔领公立学校一事上 – 联邦政府因结构改变致使学校有关门之虞片中有三位参与佔领运动的青少年担任叙述者的角色,画面非常活泼,不是平铺直叙那种,把在警察暴力下受害的学生,以及他们的诉求缺乏社会支援的处境介绍出来。“巴西的镇压非常严酷,现在我们有一个合法并且主此主张的政府,目前我们仍旧不太乐观”,女导演卡派说。讨论重要的议题如种族主义、同性恋以及女性主义 – 在佔领期间和学生们进行对话,也在青少年自行规划的课堂上讨论。
主演:莫扎克·阿洛维奇 Jeffe Alperi Theodoros Ang
导演:西奥·安哲罗普洛斯 文森特·阿兰达 约翰·保曼 尤瑟夫·夏因 阿兰·科诺 科斯塔-加夫拉斯 雷蒙·德帕东 Francis Girod 彼得·格林纳威 拉斯·霍尔斯道姆 休·赫德森 加斯顿·卡伯 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米 塞德里克·克拉皮斯 安德烈·康查洛夫斯基 斯派克·李 克洛德·勒卢什 比格斯·鲁纳 Sarah Moon 阿瑟·佩恩 卢奇安·平蒂列 贺玛·桑德斯-勃拉姆斯 杰瑞·沙茨伯格 纳迪娜·特兰蒂尼昂 费尔南多·特鲁埃瓦 丽芙·乌曼 雅克·范·多梅尔 雷吉斯·瓦格涅 维姆·文德斯 吉田喜重 张艺谋 莫
主演:加里·卡尔 亚里安妮·拉贝德 安布林·拉齐亚 安·阿克因 安妮·康斯金
简介:The series follows cash-strapped couple Gemma (Thalissa Teixeira) and Kieran (Gary Carr), after they decide to open their small apartment up to a third resident. Surprisingly, new resident Ray (Ariane Labed) seems to make things easier for the couple. She makes the apartment feel bigger, not smaller, and the extra pair of hands makes life easier. But they soon enter a polyamorous relationship and each resident finds themselves learning to navigate love and relationships in an entirely new way.
主演:埃莉诺·汤姆林森 拉菲·斯波 鲁珀特·格雷夫斯 罗伯特·卡莱尔 弗莱娅
简介:Our focus here is on attractive couple George (Rafe Spall) and Amy (Eleanor Tomlinson). Newly arrived in Woking, the London Evening Gazette journalist and amateur scientist hope their new surroundings will help them find peace. George's decision to leave a loveless marriage with his cousin Lucy for the educated Amy has seen him shunned by polite society and estranged from his family. Even his formerly close brother, Frederick (Rupert Graves), a government official, now has no time for his sibling. "This is a selfish, cruel pursuit that cannot help but bring forth the most unpleasant consequences," he hisses. However, when six trawlers mysteriously disappear off the coast of Hull, it's clear they are all facing far bigger problems. At first, the British government blame the Russian navy, but then "meteorites" begin landing around the countryside. One of them blazes a trail through Horsell Common, arousing the interest of both Amy and local astronomer Ogilvy (Robert Carlyle). As locals begin gathering to gawk at the space debris, something strange begins to unfold. The meteorite rises, emitting a heat ray that kills everyone it touches. Naturally, panic ensues and the government's initial attempts to downplay the event quickly fall away as more and more reports of similar incidents across the land come in. It is though, only the beginning.