主演:艾伦·艾克哈特 丽亚娜·莱伯拉托 欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇 加里克·哈根 艾力克
简介: CIA顶尖探员罗根(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)在前妻过世之后,想要修补与女儿艾美(丽亚娜·莱伯拉托 Liana Liberato 饰)的关系,于是辞去了中情局顶尖探员的职务,带着和他关系疏远的艾美,搬到了安特卫普开始尝试过一般人的生活。 随后,罗根进入比利时一家资金亿万美元的跨国公司的安全系统部门,担任安全顾问一职。某次,在整个团队的共同努力下,他们成功破解一个高度机密的安全装置。但第二天清晨,当罗根神采奕奕地到达办公地点时,却发现与公司相关的所有人事物通通凭空消失,而且所有证明公司存在过的证据也全被销毁。与此同时,罗根发现他的助理竟然是一名训练有素的特工,负责的任务就是杀死自己和自己的女儿。更让罗根感到意外的是,他在CIA的前同事兼女友也奉命将其追捕归案。 为了活命并找出幕后凶手,罗根和女儿艾米在被一群训练有素的杀手团队追杀的同时,开始了一段逃亡之旅。在这个过程当中,父女之间开始慢慢相互了解,并重新建立起信任和亲情......然而威胁和阻碍不断升级,并逐渐将父女二人卷入一场更大的、国际性的阴谋当中...
主演:卢·弗里基诺 Jerry Anderson Tania Staite
简介:A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner demons of a violent past, the underworld's retribution on his last connection to humanity, a daughter and grandchild leads to a descent of fury and violence that not even the brutality of gangland is prepared for.
主演:阿德里安·阿龙索 凯特·德尔·卡斯蒂洛 欧赫尼奥·德尔维斯 玛雅·扎
语言:西班牙语 / 英语
简介: 迫于生计,罗莎里奥(凯特·德尔·卡斯蒂洛 Kate del Castillo 饰)不得不离开了自己挚爱的儿子卡利托斯(阿德里安·阿龙索 Adrian Alonso 饰),只身前往洛杉矶赚钱养家。临行前,她将卡利托斯托付给了母亲班尼塔(Angelina Peláez 饰),并允诺一定会回来接他。可几年过去,罗莎里奥似乎里当初的承诺越来越远。 班尼塔的去世让九岁的卡利托斯成为了无依无靠的孤儿,然而,和当地诸多相同情况的孩子们不同,他并没有向艰苦的生活屈服,也没有放纵生活一味堕落,一个坚定的信念支撑着他,他决定要远赴洛杉矶寻找母亲。这漫长的旅途充满了艰险,好在有善良的人们出手相助,这段亲情维系的旅程得以画上了完满的句号
主演:Foster Gamble Gregg Braden Bruce Li
简介:THRIVE II: This is What it Takes brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and innovations that have the power to transform life for everyone. Follow a journey across the globe investigating the most promising solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive self-organizing while unpacking the underlying science, principles, and strategies that make them possible. THRIVE II reveals compelling evidence that illustrates a new paradigm of science that Einstein was seeking, unveiling for the layperson an emerging coherent theory of the "Unified Field" and all that it implies. Inspiring trans-political, grass roots, and decentralized solutions, THRIVE II offers practical tools for reclaiming authority over our lives. From new sources of energy to breakthrough health cures, THRIVE II provides the insights and resources needed for viewers to take next steps in accessing and supporting the solutions that can truly create a world that works for everyone.
主演:唐纳德·特朗普 Scott Becker Taison Bell Mi
导演:亚历克斯·吉布尼 Ophelia Harutyunyan Suzanne Hillinger
简介:On digital this October. On January 20th, 2020 the US and South Korea both discovered their first cases of COVID-19. However, 9 months later, the novel Coronavirus has claimed the lives of over 200,000 Americans and caused staggering economic damage, while in South Korea, there were no significant lockdowns and, in an urbanized population of 51 million, only 344 lives have been lost. Where did we go wrong? As the presidential election nears, Americans are increasingly enraged by a lack of clear leadership, endemic political corruption and left to wonder how did the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world manage to fail so thoroughly in its response to a global pandemic? Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney, directing with Ophelia Harutyunyan and Suzanne Hillinger, interrogates this question and its devastating implications in Totally Under Control. With damning testimony from public health officials and hard investigative reporting, Gibney exposes a system-wide collapse caused by a profound dereliction of Presidential leadership. It will be a generation before we know the full extent of the damage wrought by this pandemic, but Totally Under Control will stand as the definitive account of the Trump administration’s incompetence, corruption and denial in the face of this global pandemic.