主演:沃纳·赫尔佐格 GrahamDorrington GtzDieterP
简介:德国导演沃纳赫尔措格(Werner Herzog)即使不是唯一,但也可以列入世界上最富冒险精神导演行列了。他的影片往往充满了刺激和挑战,或在热带雨林和另一个疯子克劳斯金斯基打造陆上行舟的奇景,或与各种危险动物近距离接触,为此付出生命也在所不惜。 2004年的《白钻石》中,赫尔措格引领观众简要回顾飞机和氢气球的发展史。接着便带出本片另一个主角——研究氢气球的格雷姆多灵顿博士(Graham Dorrington 饰),一个14岁时被火箭炸掉两根手指、同样富有冒险精神的男人。他们将乘坐多灵顿发明的氢气飞船圭亚那内陆的顶端丛林,以人类的柔弱之躯向自然发出挑战与膜拜……
主演:约翰·雷森 Gilles De Schryver 克里斯·库彭斯 Th
简介:With his firmly designed debut, Flemish filmmaker Kristof Hoornaert makes perfect slow cinema. Johan Leysen plays a hermit who leads a self-contained life in his simple house in the forest. On one of his strolls, he finds a half-naked young man, to whom he offers clothes, food and shelter. Their wordless companionship is put to the test when the police come to the door and the mysterious young man turns out to have committed a murder. The hermit faces a moral dilemma: should he help him or turn him in? The pure shots are back to basics – a window, the sun, faces – and Resurrection develops into a parable about cruelty in the world. The refined camerawork, in broad Cinemascope, is by the Lithuanian Rimvydas Leipus, well-known for the films of Sharunas Bartas, and Khadak by Jessica Woodworth and Peter Brosens. With his subdued acting, Leysen provides many clues to fathom his motives. His deeply-lined face tells a story of its own.