主演:Julien Adam Tetchena Bellange Pierr
简介:Two destinies intersect. Norbert has worked for twenty years in Africa. Either out of idealism or because he was forced to flee his country of origin. When he returns, it's despite himself and without papers. Now Norbert has only one goal: to be deported back to Africa where he lived and worked. Above all, not to be stuck in Canada, where he feels useless... And in danger. Norbert plans to stow away on a cargo ship head for Africa. But he must get rid of Trotsky, his pet monkey. He has no choice but to abandon the small primate in the park... and hope that someone will pick him up. But an annoying kid spoils his plan by witnessing it and quickly bringing back the money. "Why are you dumping your pet? You're disgusting!" What starts as a confrontation evolves slowly into a true companionship. The man and the boy serve as each other's bridge over troubled waters.
主演:Sarah Biasini Pietro Sermonti Pierr
简介:Settled in the 17th century this suspenseful miniseries tells the story of the assertive Comtessa Julie. She is searching for a dark secret of her past. A time when Europe was riddled with suspicion, an elitist cult worshiped Black Sabbath, where Julie as an infant was destined to be sacrificed. Someone had a chance of mind and saved her from this dreadful fate. Now after 20 years, She still has to unravel the Mystery. After the murder of her father, does she decide to search for her mother. After She believed to have found her in Agnes'Dormes, her mother claims to have saved her from sacrificial death. Julie wants to go to the bottom of the truth, but her to be believed mother also falls victim to murder. On Julie's return to Paris, a warrant for her arrest has been issued, and Julie faces the possibility to be burned on the stake. The holy inquisitions interest has been aroused.
主演:Marie-Julie Rivest Patricia McKenzi
导演:Chris Roland Robert Wertheimer
简介:Charlie Jade is a rogue private detective in a world dominated by greedy multinational corporations. While on an investigation, Charlie explores a secret desert facility. A massive explosion propels him from his own universe (alphaverse) to a strange parallel universe (betaverse). Soon, Charlie is drawn into a conflict that involves these two universes and one other pacifist universe (gammaverse) with unsuspected terror at its heart. Written by Anonymous
主演:Debargo Sanyal Jamie Mayers Pierre-
简介:在加拿大土生土長的印度移民後代 Sid 於邁入中年前,決定不再抑壓自己、不再虛有其表地以男性身份過生活開明的父母雖對 Sid 的決定表示支持,但一直期盼Sid有天會結婚生子的母親仍難掩失望、時常在閒談間吐露渴望抱孫的心情。另一邊廂,十四歲少年 Ralph 在偷看母親的日記後,認定十多年前曾與母親約會的Sid就是他的親生爸爸。Ralph 設法找到了Sid,並直接了當地向其表明身份。起初,Sid 對 Ralph 的來歷半信半疑,亦不知道該如何告訴兩老這個突如其來的消息。然而,原以為抱孫夢碎的 Sid 媽,為此開心得不得了,對孫子 Ralph 更是寵愛有加。就在 Sid 以為 Ralph 的存在已是他人生中最大驚喜之際,卻又與念念不忘的前男友 Daniel 不期而遇……俗語有云:「一波未平,一波又起。」到底還有多少意料之外在等待 Sid呢?印度裔加拿大女導演 Eisha Marjara 為大家呈獻這部爆笑家庭喜劇,以幽默的方式開啟跨性別電影新視角!
主演:Jason Roy Léveillé Marc Beaupré Pie
简介:Guillaume is a “clean” young man. He doesn't do hard drugs and has no criminal record. But his whole world is suddenly turned upside down when he learns that his father, a compulsive gambler, is in hock to the tune of $50,000 to a local loan shark.