主演:Tom McGrath Jeff Bennett John Di Ma
导演:Nicholas Filippi Bret Haaland
简介:当Alex, Marty Gloria和Melman几个主角还在非洲悠闲度日(从《马达加斯加:逃往非洲》后),四只企鹅(首领Skipper, 智囊Kowalski, 最年轻的Private和最疯狂的Rico)已经回到了纽约中央动物园,并在此地执掌管理大权与此同时他们还要执行各种秘密任务,时不时地他们就要从动物园逃出来执行任务。 正当这一队企鹅觉得自己已经运筹帷幄之际,新邻居——Julien,一只狐猴王搬来动物园。现在企鹅们必须为动物园首领的宝座与之展开角逐。四只肥嘟嘟、憨态可掬的企鹅简直喜爱到了无以复加的程度。这四只可爱的小家伙在动画片《马达加斯加》中作为配角出场,但是,它们的风头绝对盖过那四个言谈举止行为动作故作牵强滑稽状的狮子斑马河马和长颈鹿!你可以在这部影片的“附属产品”——《The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper》(中文译名:马达加斯加企鹅帮圣诞恶搞记)中欣赏到它们的精彩演出。
主演:Gwen Watford Patrick Allen 费利克斯·艾尔默
简介:Peter Carter meets official resistance when he finds his 9 year old daughter has been the victim of the pedophile patriarch of the town's most powerful family.Jean Carter, nine-year-old daughter of the town's newly-appointed school principal, Peter Carter and his wife Sally, is playing in the woods with her 11-year-old friend Lucille, when Jean discovers she has lost her purse containing her "candy" money. Lucille tells her she knows where they can get sweets for nothing, and leads her to an imposing mansion, from which the owner, Clarence Olderberry, Sr., a tall, gaunt man of 70 has been watching the girls from a window. That night Jean, unable to sleep, tells her parents that Oldeberry made her and Lucille dance before him nude in exchange for some candy. Carter files a complaint, but the local police chief, Captain Hammond, is skeptical of Jean's story and warns Carter that the Oldenberry family put the town on the map and have far more standing in the community than the new-comer Carters. Oldenberry, Jr. also tells Carter...