主演:帕特里克·麦高汉 Angelo Muscat Peter Swanwi
导演:George Markstein Patrick McGoohan
简介:ITV六十年代之经典科幻sonychen 注A high-ranking but un-named Agent in the British Government resigns from his job/post and leaves for a holiday. While packing he is gassed and is taken to a beautiful but deadly prison known only as "The Village" where people are taken, given a Number to be called by and kept there for the rest of their lives if they don't tell No. 2 (the deputy head of "The Village") the information they are captured for. Escape is nearly impossible as "The Village" has amazing but deadly weapons to use if anybody tries to escape. The Agent is given the title of "No. 6" but he adopts the name of "The Prisoner". The series tells of his attempts to resist the plots of each No. 2 (who is replaced with another if an attempt on No. 6 fails) to get his information and against any attempt to disrupt the nearly peaceful running of the "The Village". The Village is determined to crack The Prisoner by attempting to get the answer to why he resigned from his job/post. As time goes on, two questions plague The Prisoner's mind - How can he escape and who is the real leader of the Village - the mysterious No. 1?. Written by Lee Horton {Leeh@tcp.co.uk}
主演:Peter Horton Christopher McDonald N
简介:故事梗概:故事发生在1996年,两只业余登山队来到位于尼伯尔境内的珠穆朗玛峰脚下准备征服这座世界最高峰这两个登山队分别由经验丰富的斯科特和罗伯带队,因为此次登山属于商业活动,两只队伍各不相让,都希望第一个登顶。特约记者兼登山爱好者乔恩也是登山队的队员之一,他要做的是将登山过程中的一切记录下来,但令乔恩和所有队员想不到的是一场灾难正在等待大家。在大本营队员桑迪和女友亲热,被当地夏尔巴人向导视为对大自然的不敬。向导警告队员们,山神将会惩罚人们。对于这些西方登山队员来说,他们并不相信这些迷信的说法,但领队斯科特和罗伯心中多少有些忌讳。登上第四营地的时候,队员们已经开始出现氧气不足、水肿等现象。一名队员因水肿严重被斯科特送下了山,大家的心情都很沉重。登顶马上就要开始了,领队要求大家无论是否登上顶峰,在下午两点必须返回,否则将有可能发生意外。在经历了死亡地带的挑战,队员们逐个登上了顶峰。但最后登顶的队员到达顶峰的时间已经是下午四点。此刻一场暴风雪开始袭来,直到深夜仍有多名队员没有返回营地。已回到营地的乔恩和队友们通过无线电联络到队员,但暴风雪太大他们根本无法实施营救,只能鼓励队员们坚持走下去。斯科特为了保护队员献出了自己的生命。而罗伯也因氧气用完在半路上停了下来。几名就快到达营地的队员被乔恩救起,他们幸运地活了下来。这次登山让人们付出了惨痛的代价,共有五名队员丧生。乔恩在离开登山队后继续自己的登山爱好,但他再也没有勇气回到珠峰,这里留给他和其他队员的只有痛苦的回忆。精彩视点:作为世界最高山峰,珠穆朗玛峰的神秘莫测从来都吸引着世界各地的人们一探究竟。本片根据真实事件改编,当时的随行记者乔恩·克莱克佳勒在完成了此次攀登珠峰活动后出版了《进入空气稀薄地带》一书。影片真实再现了1996年两组登山队攀登珠峰所遇到的灭顶之灾,情节紧张、扣人心弦。曾出演过《完美风暴》、《夺命高校》、《特工小子》等影片的克里斯多弗·麦克唐纳也在本片中出演了重要角色。1月12日 14:36 CCTV-6播出!