主演:CélineVogt SandroIannotta Maximilia
简介:劳拉(Céline Vogt 配音)是一名七岁的可爱小女孩,她跟随着一家人从风景宜人的乡间搬到了车水马龙的城市之中尽管十分想念乡间闲散的生活和优美的风景,但是劳拉更想和家人在一起。入夜,月光静谧地倾洒在劳拉的脸庞上,对故乡的思念令劳拉无法入睡,她所幸爬上屋顶,观望夜空。 忽然,一个奇怪的小东西吸引了劳拉的注意,仔细一看,竟然是一颗星星,这颗星星因为少了一条腿,而从天空中跌落了下来。劳拉抱起了星星,将它带回家中照顾,紧接着,劳拉的生活因为星星的神奇魔法而发生了翻天覆地的变化。随着时间的推移,劳拉越来越力离不开星星了,可是,星星注定要回到属于它的夜空之中,离别近在眼前。
主演:西恩·奥特曼 Craig David Dowsett Scott Je
简介:臭名昭著的 51 区爆发了一场疫情,将一群幸存者带到了地下掩体……只是为了了解……他们并不孤单。
导演:雷纳·奥斯托克 Drew Pulley Taylor Freesolo Rees
主演:Eloise Mumford Dan Jeannotte Brend
简介: Carrying on the legacy of her deceased Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the master chocolatier at How Sweet It Is in the Midwestern town of Watson Corners, the store which she owns and operates with her widowed mother, Helen Sweet. In this new year, they are facing a massive rent increase, which they can only cover by increased business in what is their busy season in the lead up to Valentine's Day or risk closing altogether. In the unwitting help of Lucy's best friend Serena and their new employee Georgie, whose social media posts are increasing the shop's exposure, Lucy and Helen believe the way out of their financial predicament is the chocolate cupid, a confection which was originally only given/sold to friends and family in the legend that eating it will lead to true love for those whose hearts are open to it. Lucy had long created a wall in the shop featuring the many couples who attest to their love happening after eating the cupid, one being Helen herself and her now deceased husband, Scott Sweet. Helping or hindering that exposure is the arrival of reporter Dean Chase of Channel 55 News, who was given the assignment of covering the legend of chocolate cupid by the station's news director, Nora Nguyen. The issue with Dean is that he is renowned for his no holds barred exposés, he only given this assignment by Nora to help him show the network brass that he's not a one trick pony in being considered for a job he really wants as a news anchor for their Chicago affiliate's morning show. Dean's initial inclination is to call out the fraud that is the cupid in he truly believing it to be such, he changing his tune if only in the goal of the promotion. All this added exposure does the trick of the needed increased revenue, with the question being whether Dean is converted as he and Lucy spend time together and start to fall for each other. This item may be tested as Nora wants this extended assignment to culminate on Valentine's Day with Dean eating a cupid on camera, a long term arrangement with Lucy which may be incompatible with his professional end goal of a job in New York City. It may also test Lucy's commitment as she admits to never have eaten a cupid herself not so much in fearing love, but what comes after love, namely pain and heartbreak as witnessed by the extreme grief experienced by Helen when Scott died.—Huggo
主演:LoretoAravena PaulinaGarcia Maureen