主演:AndrewTiernan MikkoLeppilampi Jouko
简介:1941年,第二次世界大战如火如荼。是时,美军和苏联军队分别在马汀·斯通队长(安德鲁·蒂曼 Andrew Tiernan 饰)和涅米队长(约克·亚赫罗 Jouko Ahola 饰)的率领下进入了位于芬兰与俄罗斯边境地区,协助芬兰部队歼灭敌军。在之前的1939年, 纳粹德国抓捕俄罗斯士兵进行秘密的活体试验。两年后希特勒下令中止试验,并销毁一切活口与证据。 美苏军队刚进入森林没多久,即遭到敌人火力的袭击,由此损失了一般的兵力。夜幕降临,坚守原地的战士们发现,那些被他们杀掉的敌军竟然接连复活,化身为没有任何感情和恐惧的丧尸。活人一个接一个减少,这群不知底细的军人们经历了永生难忘的死亡之旅……
主演:OutiAlanen StigHoffmeyer 沃科·霍瓦塔 Jar
简介:一个平静的夏天,姆明谷爆发了大危机,火山迸发,洪水袭来。水升得越来越高,但在最后关头,姆明一家发现了一栋陌生的房子,结果这不是一个普通的房子,而是一个剧院舞台。 姆明仲夏夜狂想曲于2008年伦敦的儿童电影节上放映,深受观众们的喜爱。这一部剧场动画是取于德国和波兰制作的粘布版电视动画的16至17集内容重新制作,不同于日本的2D动画版本,粘布版系列的姆明动画拥有芬兰童话的独特风格。
主演:Rauno Ahonen Mikkomarkus Ahtiainen
简介:First of all, I have to say that I had huge expectations about the movie. I went to theater to see some mind-blowing action. I was hoping that Åke Lindman had made something spectacular as his last movie. I also believed in his directing talents. Now I sadly have to say that the movie didn't fulfill my expectations. The movie was a bit bouncing: Going there, doing that, coming back and going again. Different people fought in different places and sometimes it was hard to follow what was happening as a whole. Well this wasn't too disturbing as the movie still was entertaining. Especially all tank-scenes were amazing. The lack of money, which was clearly visible, was maybe the most disruptive thing in the movie. As mentioned in the movie, there were about 250 cannons and mortars, plus bomber planes, targeting the Tali-Ihantala area. But when the "big fight" came, it looked like about 10 guns were bombing the woods with smoke grenades (And I can say this because I have served in mortar company in the Finnish army). I'm sure it looked like that because there were not enough money to make it look realistic. I was also hoping more soldiers running in the woods because hey, it was supposed to be the biggest fight in the northern Europe!