主演:朱丽叶·比诺什 丹尼尔·奥特伊 埃米尔·库斯图里卡 米歇尔·迪绍苏瓦
简介:1850年,一个遥远的法属小岛发生了一桩命案,醉了酒的渔夫(埃米尔·库斯图里卡 Emir Kusturica饰)犯下杀人罪,被判以极刑然而这里山高皇帝远,没有铡刀之类的行刑工具,于是岛上的官员们求助于法国本部,让他们千里迢迢运来断头台。 在这个等待的时间里,博爱善良的上尉夫人(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche饰)相信渔夫是一个本质不坏的人。她自从跟随丈夫来到这个荒凉的小岛之后,就一直料理着花园。如今她让渔夫帮她修整花园,干各种琐碎的家务活。渔夫和上尉夫人一同行善,还得到了居民的欢迎。上尉(丹尼尔·奥德耶 Daniel Auteuil饰)知道两人相处得日渐融洽,甚至萌生爱意,但出于对妻子无私的爱,他只是默默选择让妻子得到快乐。 日子渐渐过去,断头台终于送到。上尉、上尉夫人和渔夫,也迎来了各人命运的转折。
主演:Tim Kaiser Lulu Dahl Shelby Bradle
简介: An apocalyptic event known as The Crisis has devastated David's world leaving him to rely on survival tactics learned from childhood. Isolated and alone, David has taken refuge in a tent on the edge of the wilderness. Soon enough, another survivor emerges, Mary, who immediately begins questioning David's tactics and ultimately putting them in the crosshairs of "Those Who Walk In Darkness", unseen creatures that may or may not be responsible for The Crisis. From award-winning filmmaker, Kyle Couch comes a new vision of terror and heartbreak.
主演:戈洛·欧拉 入月彩 汉内洛勒·埃尔斯纳 艾尔玛·韦伯 菲力克斯·伊特纳
简介:Zehn Jahre nach dem Tod von Rudi (Elmar Wepper) und Trudi (Hannelore Elsner) steht ihr jüngster Sohn Karl (Golo Euler) vor den Trümmern seines Lebens: Er trinkt, hat seinen Job verloren und lebt getrennt von Frau und Kind. Seine schwarzen Dämonen lassen sich bloß mit Alkohol besänftigen. Karl weiß nicht mehr, wer er ist. Wie eine Halluzination taucht plötzlich Yu (Aya Irizuki) auf, unfassbar und geheimnisumwoben. Yu erscheint wie eine Andeutung aus einer vergangenen Welt und hebt das Leben von Karl aus den Angeln. Nur widerwillig begleitet Karl sie in sein leerstehendes Elternhaus, allzu lebendig sind die Erinnerungen an die Eltern und die eigene, schwierige Kindheit. Warum lassen die toten Eltern Karl nicht frei? Welche Dämonen verfolgen Karl? Mit Dämonen und Gespenstern hat Yu Erfahrung, was an ihrer japanischen Herkunft liegt. Dort sind sie ganz real und mächtig, und man lernt schon als Kind, wie man mit ihnen umzugehen hat: Man lädt sie ein auf eine Tasse Tee. (© Constantin Film)
主演:索菲亚·海林 托尔·林德哈特 萨拉·博贝格 Dag Malmberg
简介:In the fourth season, a woman is found brutally murdered on a small artificial Danish island close to the Øresund Bridge. The woman is Margrethe Thormod, Thormod, Director General of the Migration Agency in Copenhagen, who was recently embroiled in a deportation scandal. Danish detective Henrik begins to investigate the murder without the involvement of Saga, due to the fact that she has now been imprisoned for the murder of her mother. Henrik is missing his colleague and wants to visit her as often as possible so she can help with the case. However, her predicament renders her unable to help. Henrik’s search for his missing daughters is also frustrated by Saga’s imprisonment and he gets close to giving up.
主演:马塞尔·杜尚 Marina Abramovic William Ana
简介:The film explores the life, philosophy and impact of one of the most influential early 20th century modernists, Marcel Duchamp. The film breaks down Duchamp's ideas and applies them to both historical events and the modernist explosion that blanketed the early 20th century. Art of the Possible isn't simply a biopic; rather, the film shows how Duchamp's ideas changed the public consciousness, and our understanding of aesthetics, art, and culture. The film highlights the singular impact of Duchamp's philosophy on art, and, more importantly, examines how Duchamp's revolutionary ideas from the early 20th century have shaped the 21st century and modern day.
主演:Xavier Dolan Gabriel Sabourin Maril
简介:Sometimes, we're just waiting for a miracle. A nurse who is a Jehovah's Witness, grows fond of the miracle survivor of a plane crash. Two sexagenarians, a bartender and a parking lot attendant want to explore their forbidden passions. A conservative, well-off couple drown their disappointments in booze and gambling. And a man does his utmost to make amends for an irredeemable action, bringing us to a plane bound for Cuba. An ensemble film where every character affects the lives of others.