主演:克劳迪奥·比加利 Fabrizio Biggio Duccio Cam
简介:"ALL YOU EVER WISHED FOR" is a fanciful tale of romance, comedy, and Italian charm. It begins in Milan with the abduction of a young American, the son of a wealthy businessman, and a ransom demand. But when the three bumbling mafia kidnappers and their hapless victim get lost in the mountains, they end up spending the night in an abandoned cottage that is under a gypsy spell. Upon awakening, each man falls instantly in love with the first soul to meet his gaze, which are, for the kidnappers: a homely spinster; a handsome woodsman; and one cute cow. The American, as luck would have it, is smitten by the sharp-tongued, raven-haired village beauty. Despite everyone's pure motives, things begin to unravel when the double-crossed mafia don and the victim's father arrive on scene to put an end to the madness. But they, too, fall victim to that gypsy love spell, and our tale comes to a fitting end with everyone getting what they wished for - or at least what they deserved.
主演:贾马尔·伍拉德 Mohamed Dione 德里克·卢克 丹尼斯·L·
简介:这是一部关于The Notorious B.I.G.的传记片The Notorious B.I.G.六又叫克里斯托弗·华莱士,是美国说唱史上最为杰出的歌手之一。出身于单亲家庭的他,年少时曾在街头混日子,也干过一些不法勾当。但是一次偶然的机会,克里斯托弗参加了一个说唱音乐比赛,随后被签约,这位天才说唱歌手从此大放异彩,成为了美国东海岸说唱的领军性人物。可惜1997年他不幸遭枪杀去世。本片主要关注了克里斯托弗短暂而辉煌的音乐生涯,以及他扑朔迷离的死亡经历。
主演:保拉·杰·帕克 Don Franklin Nikiva Dionne
简介:Returning for its ten-episode, fourth season Sunday, April 12, Insecure follows our favorite characters as they evaluate their relationships, both new and old, in an effort to figure out who and what comes with them in this next phase of their lives. Season four follows the main characters in the aftermath of the decisions they made in the last season. Issa pursues a passion project she actually cares about, Molly navigates a real relationship for the first time, Lawrence figures out what leveling-up means for him, and we see the effect of Tiffany’s new baby on the dynamic of the friend group. Along the way, we'll see these characters evaluating relationships, both new and old, in an effort to figure out who and what comes with them in this next phase of their lives. Strarring Issa Rae, featuring other series regulars including Yvonne Orji, Jay Ellis, Natasha Rothwell, Amanda Seales, Kendrick Sampson and Alexander Hodge. #HBO #InsecureHBO Subscribe to HBO on YouTube: https://goo.gl/wtFYd7 Created by Issa Rae and Larry Wilmore, the comedy series Insecure explores the black female experience. Two black women deal with their own real-life flaws while attempting to navigate different worlds and cope with an endless series of uncomfortable everyday experiences. Starring Issa Rae, Yvonne Orji, Amanda Seales, Lisa Joyce, and Jay Ellis.
主演:大卫·莫瑞瑟 尼古拉·雷·卡斯 麦肯锡·克鲁克 埃莉诺•沃辛顿-考克斯
简介:公元43年,罗马人大举进攻日后被称作大英帝国的不列颠尼亚,女英雄布迪卡女王(Boudicca)在民族危难之际挺身而出,与罗马执政官卡西乌斯(Cassius)建立联盟,鼓动卡西乌斯反抗罗马皇帝克劳狄一世在该剧中,罗马帝国的军队发誓要彻底摧毁不列颠尼亚的「凯尔特之心」——由英勇善战的女战士和实力强大的德鲁伊控制的一块神秘土地。传说中,这些德鲁伊能够聚集冥界的强大力量,战胜任何敢于来犯的敌人。 Kelly Reilly扮演凯拉(Kerra),Zoë meijubar.net Wanamaker扮演安特迪雅(Antedia),她们是一对不共戴天的仇敌。在外敌入侵的情况下,她们必须抛弃个人恩怨与成见,共同抵御由卓越的罗马将军奥卢斯-普劳提乌斯(Aulus Plautius,David Morrissey扮演)率领的罗马军团。该剧在捷克首都布拉格和威尔士取景拍摄,2017年播出。