主演:Lisa Berry Tammy Gillis 瑞秋·尼科尔斯 凯拉·
简介:一群来自2077年的超级罪犯(恐怖分子)成功跨越时间裂缝来到2012年,女警察Kiera Cameron(Rachel Nicholas)穷追不舍,也一同来到现代社会Kiera发现自己已无法返回家乡,无法再见到丈夫和儿子,索性在2012年安顿下来,发誓要在那群罪犯彻底 改变历史进程之前抓住他们。女警察身上穿着一件高科技的多用途「附加皮肤」,即可充当武器,也可作为通讯装置。不幸的是,这件超级服装损坏了。女警察呼叫生产厂家前来修理,信号却被2012年的科技专家Alec Sadler(Erik Knudson)截获。女警察决定与这名科技专家合作寻找回家的路--不过在此之前,她必须小心隐藏自己的身份。她混进了当地的执法机构,顺利当上一名警探,与搭档Carlos Fonnegra(Victor Webster)建立起友谊。
主演:Jon Armstrong Brian Gillis David Mi
导演:Christoph Baaden Marcie Hume
简介:"MAGICIANS follows four world-class magicians on stage and off, exploring how and why these characters so passionately dedicate their lives to the craft of illusion. Their journey takes us from the most humbling of road gigs to grand performances on the biggest of stages, from finding love to terrible personal loss; and to the prospect of losing everything for a dream others don't understand. As we come to understand why each is obsessively chasing his own dream, we'll discover the unhidden secret: far more fascinating than the magic are the magicians themselves."
主演:Santi Millán(Víctor) Paz Vega(Estre
简介:español簡介:"Di que sí" es una alocada comedia que nos presenta a un tímido acomodador de cine, Víc-tor Martínez (Santi Millán), quien vive sus fan-tasías románticas a través de la gran pantalla. Víctor, que a sus 36 años aún comparte piso con su madre (Chus Lampreave), trabaja en un viejo cine de barrio que sólo proyecta películas clásicas y está a punto de cerrar. La madre, preocupada por esta situación, no para de agobiar a su hijo para que se busque un mejor y más provechoso trabajo. Estrella Cuevas (Paz Vega), por el contrario, es una avispada aspirante a actriz, un tanto ingenua, que sueña con encontrar la fama. Durante un ensayo en la escuela de teatro conoce a un supuesto director (Santiago Segura) de televisión que promete lanzarla al estrellato. Naturalmente, el primer paso es quedar con ella, a solas, para rea-lizar un book de fotos. Por azares del destino y gracias a las confu-siones provocadas por un despistado y un tanto peculiar vigilante jurado (Pepe Viyuela), que sueña con ser Terminator, Víctor y Es-trella terminan concursando en el popular “Sí al amor”. Un progra-ma-concurso de parejas que la cadena Todovisión emite en horario de máxima audiencia. El modesto Víctor y la extravagante Estrella sienten una mutua e irreprimible aversión a primera vista, aunque el suculento premio en metálico les convence para fingir “su enamora-miento” en el transcurso del show. Ahora dos personas que se de-testan tendrán que convivir con un equipo de producción, durante una larga semana en la playa. Por si fuera poco, el día de la firma del contrato de matrimonio, tras la broma que el programa suele realizar a los futuros esposos, la situación se complica hasta extre-mos insospechados por una nueva y desafortunada intervención del vigilante; siempre presente, como Terminator, en los momentos cruciales de la “Historia”. Es entonces cuado Víctor y Estrella se ven abocados a una cómica e hilarante aventura en la que descubri-rán el amor.英語簡介:Victor is a poor man that, aged 36, still lives with his mother. Estrella wants to be an actress but has any talent. Due to a chain of mistakes, the are made to play in the program "sí al amor" (yes to love!). They hate each other, but the incentive of a great prize convince them to survive living together during one week. Typical love comedy, with all the usual gags that can be seen on this kind of film, but directed with a little of taste and with some actors that have a decent chemistry. The film is bad, of course, but it is pleasant to see (specially if you don't have anything better to do) and cam make you laugh, which is what we demand to those films. It is compulsory to remark the great acting of the humorist Pepe Viyuela that parodies quite well Terminator in a "Spanish Torrentic way", The scenes with him are the best of this film, that, of course, won't go to the history of filming, but it a little funny and pleasant to see. Don't be very strict with it, and watch it with good eyes...
主演:Tim Baltz 米根·费伊 Sue Gillan Mary Hol
导演:Ted Tremper 格雷厄姆·莱恩汉 Chuck Martin 瑞安·麦克福尔
简介:Like most med school grads, David Tracey expected to roll straight into a residency, earn his license to practice medicine and begin paying off his massive student loans. But when his hospital position falls through, David devises a scheme to start offering free psychotherapy - out of his parents' garage. Now, all he needs to do is clock the 1,920 clinical hours required and he'll get his life back on track. But when a ragtag stream of oddball clients begins coming to him for help, he starts to realize something about himself. He may have just found a new career that makes him feel right at home. Written by NBC