主演:迪奥戈·莫加多 Laurie Calvert Paul Marc Da
导演:托尼·米歇尔 Tony Mitchell Crispin Reece
简介:很久很久以前,罪恶滔天的人类遭到上帝最严厉的惩罚,自诺亚一家乘坐方舟求生以来,人类历史开创新的纪元作为诺亚的后代,闪族人亚伯拉罕得到神谕,要他带着族人前往应许之地迦南,建立一个新的国家,他的子孙也将繁衍昌盛,枝繁叶茂。在此之后,亚伯拉罕不顾周遭的质疑,率领族人踏上充满艰险的旅途。途中他经历了无数的考验,目睹了罪恶索多玛的灭亡。他的事业被后人继承,摩西率领族人摆脱法老奴役,以各种神迹确立了犹太人的地位,并以十诫和耶和华定约。 在此之后,参孙、扫罗、大卫等重要人物乃至圣子耶稣相继登场,见证着一个传奇民族的绵亘了许多世纪的兴衰与发展……
主演:Sean Bean Daragh O'Malley Hugh Fras
简介:Spain 1813 Aided by Ducos, Napoleon is considering a plan. All it will take is one death and one imprisonment, and Britain will leave Spain. The Spanish nobility, generals and church will have to be in agreement and bring pressure on the deposed King of Spain to sign a treaty with France. In a French garrison in Spain, Ducos has impounded the carriages of La Marquesa Helene Mendora. La Marquesa is half-English, half-French and married to a Spanish General. She is also a French spy. Ducos promises the return of her carriages if she writes to her husband saying Richard Sharpe has forced his attentions on her. When the Marques receives the letter he is furious and demands an apology or a duel. Sharpe refuses to apologise as he says he doesn't know the Marquesa, and the duel is arranged. Duels are forbidden in Wellingtons army and when discovered, it is passed off as 'sword practice'. The same night the Marques is murdered in his bed, and the Spanish, believing Sharpe is responsible, demand retribution. Wellington has no choice and a court marshal takes place. Sharpe is found guilty and sentenced to hang. Wellington, however, does not plan to lose Sharpe. La Marquesa and her carriages are ambushed, the carriages taken and La Marquesa is put into a convent. Maj. Nairn takes Harper out of the camp and reunites him with Sharpe. Left with having to prove his honour, Sharpe and Harper are tasked with rescuing La Marquesa, so the British can discover the enemy’s next move.
主演:AaronAbrams...Dr.TylerVoller WendyA