主演:Tristan Halilaj Refet Abazi Refet A
简介:影片曾在2011年柏林电影节上获得剧本银熊奖 17岁的尼克(崔斯坦·哈利拉吉 Tristan Halilaj 饰)居住在阿尔巴尼亚的北部地区。马上就要高中毕业了,准备拿到毕业证开个小网吧维持生计。15岁的妹妹露迪娜希望能考进大学过上梦想的生活。但这个平凡的家庭却因为卷入土地所有权的争执而变得焦头烂额,父亲被谋杀罪起诉躲进了深山。根据古老习俗,如果家人杀了人,那么受害者的家庭可以同样杀死一个杀人犯的男性亲属。因此家中所有的男性都不允许离开家半步。整个家庭的重担都落在了露迪娜的肩上。她被迫离开学校工作养家。新的责任让露迪娜逐渐成长为一名能够独当一面的能手。尼克却因为长期的“离群索居”的生活而变得沮丧和焦躁不安。最终,这种负面的情绪让他决定用血为家族间的斗争做一个了解——哪怕这个决定回让他丢掉自己的性命,也在所不惜......
主演:Yuval Segal 拉米·希尔伯格 莫尼·穆索诺夫 利奥尔·阿什肯
简介:A colorful extreme display of the Israeli director. Matana MiShamayim is quite different from Kosashvili's "Late Marriage". The primitive traditional family values (Georgian in this case) are brought here some steps beyond to present a comic macabre reality. Women ie. are portrayed in the film as objects to be used in the patriarchal chauvinistic society they live in. They are kidnapped, threatened, locked in a closet and often molested in order to channel shame on their husbands. On the other hand, they are always the center of of attention, encompassing every aspect of desire men have, thus they can control and manipulated men, but only to a certain extent - the head of the family (played by the amazing actor Mony Moshonov). Actors are doing a great job under Kosashvili's direction, and one can find similarities between him and Kusturica.
主演:爱德华·伍德华德 克里斯托弗·李 黛安妮·赛琳托 布里特·艾克拉诺 英
简介:20世纪70年代,苏格兰警官豪伊( 爱德华·伍德华德 饰)收到一封信,信中称苏格兰西海岸的一个小岛——夏岛上的女孩罗恩·莫里森失踪已久,并向他求助破案豪伊来到夏岛展开调查,发现岛上的氛围十分怪异。居民们先说不认识这个女孩,后又表示女孩已死。但豪伊没有找到女孩的尸体。失踪女孩的去向愈发不明。案件真相越来越扑朔迷离。豪伊又惊讶地发现岛上的居民是一群并不信仰耶稣基督的异教徒。夏岛勋爵(克里斯托弗·李 饰)更是似乎拥有极大的权力和声望。他们并不配合豪伊的调查。豪伊准备离开小岛时发现了小岛五月庆典中用活人来祭祀的传统,他准备一探究竟,然而他不知道危险正在向他靠近……
主演:Sean Bean Daragh O'Malley Hugh Fras
简介:Spain 1813 Aided by Ducos, Napoleon is considering a plan. All it will take is one death and one imprisonment, and Britain will leave Spain. The Spanish nobility, generals and church will have to be in agreement and bring pressure on the deposed King of Spain to sign a treaty with France. In a French garrison in Spain, Ducos has impounded the carriages of La Marquesa Helene Mendora. La Marquesa is half-English, half-French and married to a Spanish General. She is also a French spy. Ducos promises the return of her carriages if she writes to her husband saying Richard Sharpe has forced his attentions on her. When the Marques receives the letter he is furious and demands an apology or a duel. Sharpe refuses to apologise as he says he doesn't know the Marquesa, and the duel is arranged. Duels are forbidden in Wellingtons army and when discovered, it is passed off as 'sword practice'. The same night the Marques is murdered in his bed, and the Spanish, believing Sharpe is responsible, demand retribution. Wellington has no choice and a court marshal takes place. Sharpe is found guilty and sentenced to hang. Wellington, however, does not plan to lose Sharpe. La Marquesa and her carriages are ambushed, the carriages taken and La Marquesa is put into a convent. Maj. Nairn takes Harper out of the camp and reunites him with Sharpe. Left with having to prove his honour, Sharpe and Harper are tasked with rescuing La Marquesa, so the British can discover the enemy’s next move.