主演:EvelienBosmans DaphneWellens Patric
简介:Belgian director/screenwriter Bert Scholiers jumps all over the place in his imaginative feature debut. One moment we are in an Antwerp pub, the next we are walking across an expanse of snow, then in a cosmic black hole or chasing a flying pineapple. This is how best friends Charlie and Hannah’s drink-fuelled night pans out after swallowing a magical sweet that changes the world surrealistically – also for everyone around them. The laconic twenty-somethings respond to these events with amused amazement (whether they wind up in a pre-war brothel or are blown to smithereens by an atom bomb), all the while sauntering along and discussing the really important stuff: dealing with exes and relationships. Like a tripping Woody Allen or Noah Baumbach, Scholiers plays with form, using inventive visual humour, colour and black-and-white, switching aspect ratios and referring to silent movies and Italian giallo horror.
主演:EvelienBosmans StefAerts 提图斯·德·沃格特
简介:由克里斯(Titus De Voogdt 饰)和皮特(Stef Aerts 饰)带队并由数名十几岁的男孩组成的童子军即将前往靠近法国边境的某座森林里露营,出发前他向孩子们讲述了一个可怕的传说,据说森林里有一种被称为“凯”的半人半兽怪物肆虐横行,当地人闻风丧胆。它的模样如同人狼,凡是被它咬过的人都会受到感染变成人狼。孩子们群情激昂,决心痛揍人狼,随后跟随克里斯坐上卡车出发。阳光明媚的时节,孩子们在露营地快乐玩耍,不过并不受众人待见的小男孩萨姆(Maurice Luijten 饰)似乎格外在意“凯”的存在,他在挖洞时声称一度看到“凯”的身影,随后更在营地附近发现一处神秘的巢穴。 夜幕降临,可怕的身影悄悄向营地接近,萨姆的命运发生彻底改变……