主演:Julien Adam Tetchena Bellange Pierr
简介:Two destinies intersect. Norbert has worked for twenty years in Africa. Either out of idealism or because he was forced to flee his country of origin. When he returns, it's despite himself and without papers. Now Norbert has only one goal: to be deported back to Africa where he lived and worked. Above all, not to be stuck in Canada, where he feels useless... And in danger. Norbert plans to stow away on a cargo ship head for Africa. But he must get rid of Trotsky, his pet monkey. He has no choice but to abandon the small primate in the park... and hope that someone will pick him up. But an annoying kid spoils his plan by witnessing it and quickly bringing back the money. "Why are you dumping your pet? You're disgusting!" What starts as a confrontation evolves slowly into a true companionship. The man and the boy serve as each other's bridge over troubled waters.
主演:Marcienne Dwyer Matt Dellapina Chri
简介:Alexandra reluctantly tags along for Slasher Sleepout, an extreme event that is part camping trip, part haunted house, and part escape room. But when the fun turns deadly, Alex has to play the game if she wants to make it out alive.
主演:Pablo Molinero Sergio Castellanos 曼
简介:During an outbreak of the bubonic plague in the magnificent Seville of 1587, Mateo, a former soldier, returns, honouring his word to find and extract a dead friend’s son from the city. Previously, Mateo had been forced to flee the city to save his life, having been sentenced to death by the Inquisition for printing forbidden books. Before he can complete his task, Mateo is arrested by the Inquisitor’s bailiffs, who promise to pardon his life in exchange for solving a series of crimes of diabolic overtones being committed in Seville. Premiere of the first two episodes of the new TV series directed by Alberto Rodríguez.
主演:Santi Millán(Víctor) Paz Vega(Estre
简介:español簡介:"Di que sí" es una alocada comedia que nos presenta a un tímido acomodador de cine, Víc-tor Martínez (Santi Millán), quien vive sus fan-tasías románticas a través de la gran pantalla. Víctor, que a sus 36 años aún comparte piso con su madre (Chus Lampreave), trabaja en un viejo cine de barrio que sólo proyecta películas clásicas y está a punto de cerrar. La madre, preocupada por esta situación, no para de agobiar a su hijo para que se busque un mejor y más provechoso trabajo. Estrella Cuevas (Paz Vega), por el contrario, es una avispada aspirante a actriz, un tanto ingenua, que sueña con encontrar la fama. Durante un ensayo en la escuela de teatro conoce a un supuesto director (Santiago Segura) de televisión que promete lanzarla al estrellato. Naturalmente, el primer paso es quedar con ella, a solas, para rea-lizar un book de fotos. Por azares del destino y gracias a las confu-siones provocadas por un despistado y un tanto peculiar vigilante jurado (Pepe Viyuela), que sueña con ser Terminator, Víctor y Es-trella terminan concursando en el popular “Sí al amor”. Un progra-ma-concurso de parejas que la cadena Todovisión emite en horario de máxima audiencia. El modesto Víctor y la extravagante Estrella sienten una mutua e irreprimible aversión a primera vista, aunque el suculento premio en metálico les convence para fingir “su enamora-miento” en el transcurso del show. Ahora dos personas que se de-testan tendrán que convivir con un equipo de producción, durante una larga semana en la playa. Por si fuera poco, el día de la firma del contrato de matrimonio, tras la broma que el programa suele realizar a los futuros esposos, la situación se complica hasta extre-mos insospechados por una nueva y desafortunada intervención del vigilante; siempre presente, como Terminator, en los momentos cruciales de la “Historia”. Es entonces cuado Víctor y Estrella se ven abocados a una cómica e hilarante aventura en la que descubri-rán el amor.英語簡介:Victor is a poor man that, aged 36, still lives with his mother. Estrella wants to be an actress but has any talent. Due to a chain of mistakes, the are made to play in the program "sí al amor" (yes to love!). They hate each other, but the incentive of a great prize convince them to survive living together during one week. Typical love comedy, with all the usual gags that can be seen on this kind of film, but directed with a little of taste and with some actors that have a decent chemistry. The film is bad, of course, but it is pleasant to see (specially if you don't have anything better to do) and cam make you laugh, which is what we demand to those films. It is compulsory to remark the great acting of the humorist Pepe Viyuela that parodies quite well Terminator in a "Spanish Torrentic way", The scenes with him are the best of this film, that, of course, won't go to the history of filming, but it a little funny and pleasant to see. Don't be very strict with it, and watch it with good eyes...
导演:Matthew Aeberhard Leander Ward
简介:一部关于火烈鸟生活周期的自然纪录片,影片拍摄于坦桑尼亚北部的纳特龙湖在一个遥远且被人遗忘的野外,还存在着大自然最后的伟大杰作:数百万有着红色翅膀的的火烈鸟正展开双翼,经历着出生、成长和死亡的生命旅程。影片中有着太多此前从未被摄影机记录过的雄伟影像,并且记录了这群濒临灭绝的稀有生物是如何为了生存而抗争的。◎花 絮「Disneynature」荣誉呈献首套大型生态记录片,带你走进人类鲜有踏足的神秘境,透过凌厉壮阔的形象,以及娓娓动人的配乐,揭开非洲红鹤的身世之谜。这部纪录片是在坦桑尼亚的纳特龙湖拍摄的,在坦桑尼亚北部与肯亚交界处的湖泊,位于阿鲁沙西北面113公里的东非大裂谷。湖长56公里,宽24公里,有盐、苏打、菱镁矿等矿藏。湖水温暖,成为大裂谷红鹳理想的繁殖场所。在纳特龙湖及周边水域,共生活着400万只火烈鸟。在非洲坦桑尼亚北部的大裂谷中,座落不同的火山与湖泊,其中的立顿湖因为独特的地质环境成为红鹤鸟理想的繁殖场所。红鹤鸟的羽毛只有在繁殖期间,才会转成鲜红色;牠们为了孕育下一代,历尽艰辛、万里迁移,生生不息,构成一幅幅震撼心灵的生命蓝图。红鹤鸟的数目因近年受到环境污染与大量猎捕,几近灭亡边缘,迪斯尼《天翅奇迹》为红鹤鸟留下珍贵的影像纪录,藉此唤起关注的声音。为了拍摄影片,制作者在Natron湖边居住了14个月。这是动物界最神奇的一个群体。坦桑尼亚北部的纳特龙湖水的咸度超过死海,可是在这个湖边聚集了大量火烈鸟,其数目之大超乎人们的想象。它们的筑巢之地如此偏远和荒凉,以至于直到1959年欧洲一个鸟类专家才发现这片充满毒气的鸟类栖息地。这种玫瑰色的火烈鸟属于6种普查鸟类中人们知之甚少的那一种,它们是最富有色彩、最神奇也是异常漂亮的鸟群。