主演:帕迪·康斯戴恩 MirandaPleasence SimonGreen
简介:一个男人(Paddy Considine 帕蒂康斯戴恩 饰)和他朋友的宠物狗罗斯科独自在家,生活无聊至极。男人准备出门遛狗,却无厘头地将狗绳套在脖子上,谁承想罗斯科撒腿就跑,牵着男人跑过大街小巷,最终扎进池塘。罗斯科咬死了池塘的野鸭,在管理员赶到之前,男人带着狗儿落荒而逃。 然而他却突然发现,罗斯科竟开口和他说话,并声称近期将为男人自幼犯下的罪行辩护。他同时发现,罗斯科似乎能看穿他的心事,这一切都使他本该平凡的一天变得混乱不堪……
主演:EddaArnljótsdóttir ReineBrynolfsson
简介:The dentist Oscar has been married for five years and lives with his wife and adopted children. On the surface everything seems to be fine but Oscar is not a happy man. His wants a baby of his own flesh and blood but it"s not working out. When he finds out that his wife has been deceiving him all these years he decides it"s time for a change. Einar is a stockbroker who is very successful at work but not in his personal life. For the last couple of months Einar has been living at a hotel waiting for his wife to realize the terrible mistake she made by throwing him out. Katrin Rose returns from Sweden where she has lived for eight years. In Iceland Katrin has an eleven-year-old son, brought up by his grandmother and now Katrin wants him back. Katrin gets a job as a dentist"s assistant intending to make a fresh start but her troubled past catches up with her. PARENTS is the independent second part of twin features by Ragnar Bragason and Vesturport exploring the roles of children and parents. The first part, CHILDREN was released in 2006. Written by Icelandic Film Centre