主演:Johan Ehn Simon Kling Johan Charles
简介:High school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel. The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the school area that is exclusively populated by queer guys. The much-desired Charles enters into secret sexual power games orchestrated by the strict school master, who is tortured by memories from a time long before the erotic acceptance that prevails at the boarding school. When the competition for admissions to the prestigious singing event harden, friendships crack and the utopian existence begins to fall apart piece by piece. Based on Kristofer Folkhammar’s novel of the same name, inspired by high school films and gay porn, The Schoolmaster Games illustrates a world where sexuality is free, but power games simmer beneath the surface.
主演:克里斯特尔·博登斯坦 Charles Hans Vogt Eckart
简介:前东德最好的一部超现实主义幻想剧! this is one of the most amazing looking,surreal films of all time and i only recently acquired it on video.it was just as good after fond childhood memories of it.highly recommended,with great special effects,and stunning set design,and vivid colour and cinematography.buy with confidence! This is as you remember watching it as a child. Lifelike, overtly coloured and full of magical splendor, terrifying nasties and surreal characters. In short, do not shy away from this opportunity to show a Christmas Special to your children in favour of the usual fare from Disney and co. Rather, pop a fresh batch of pop corn, get first dibs on the comfy chair and opt for what was arguably one of the highlights of East German children's programming.
主演:Staffan Götestam Lars Söderdahl 艾伦·
简介:9岁的“狮心面包圈”患结核病,而且知道他会死很快。哥哥狮心约拿丹在一次火灾中救人死去,弟弟后来也因病过世,死去后到了天堂,片中那个地方叫“南极优勒”。见到了哥哥,在天堂里哥哥仍然行善除恶,后来在那里又一次死去,从天堂又可以飞升到另一个更高的世界“南极利勒”。狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的刻……胆小的狮心面包干是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。 书中的主人公是一位小男孩斯科尔班,身体虚弱、胆小怕事。而他的哥哥约拿旦•狮心,勇敢、英俊、强壮又无所不知,非常疼爱弟弟。当他害怕死去时,哥哥告诉他:人死后将去就会到南极亚拉,在那里他会立刻变得健康、强壮起来,甚至会变得英俊。在那里,从早到晚都可以参加历险,那里还处于篝火与童话的时代。在家里的一次大火灾之后,白鸽子引导他们先后去了南极亚拉,在那里的樱桃谷如天堂一般,但是生活在附近的蔷薇谷的人们却在暴君腾格尔的统治下,过着恐惧、受奴役、没有自由的生活。于是,狮心兄弟担负着解放蔷薇谷的使命,但是,敌人又是那么强大,几乎是不可战胜的。他们历经了种种危险和惊心动魄的时刻,终于把南极亚拉从暴君腾格尔、恶魔卡特拉手中解放出来。但是,最后哥哥也被恶龙卡特拉的火焰烧着了(而那是致命的)……胆小的斯科尔班是如何在危险时刻克服自己的恐惧,勇敢地与邪恶进行斗争。以及他们如何渡过难关,最终取得胜利。这些只有自己通过阅读去体会才会难以忘怀。旧时光定格,久远地印在心里。一点迷惑,一点莫名的感伤。像早上第一堂课,老师的嘴里唠叨着什么,每个字都重复着“睡吧睡吧”,同学们的脸孔遥远陌生。眼神迷离,不敢彻底伏下头去,等一声惊叫闯来,或者一个玩笑传来。时间过的慢极了,下课铃似乎永远不会响起。 一种童年,一个神奇温暖的梦幻世界。
主演:Greta Almroth Arvid Dahlberg 约翰·埃克曼
简介:“Sangen Om Den Eldröda Blomman” ( “Song Of The Scarlet Flower” ) was a recent and remarkable silent surprise for this Herr Von; the oeuvre is an excellent Herr Stiller silent film that this German count watched in a newly restored and tinted copy. It combines the well-known aesthetics, technical improvements and artistic merits for which the Nordic director was known and praised since those early silent times till today. The film tells of the merry and carefree love life of young Olof ( Herr Lars Hanson ) a woodsman who during his search for true love, seduces many frauleins ( just like this German aristocrat… well, not exactly because the purpose of this Herr Von’s seduction of rich fräulein heiresses are their great fortunes… ). He will suffer disappointment and deception, all those problems that turn up in any loving relationship. Finally he will find responsibility and maturity, learning during his particular quest that his actions always have consequences in different degrees to the people around him. This Herr Von can describe “Sangen Om…” as a kind of coming of age film, the special introspective growth toward maturity of a free and easy youngster. As this German count said before, the film displays Stiller’s characteristic artistic virtues. ; in the first part of the film, we can see elements of comedy, not exactly like the comedy of intrigues in other Stiller films, but humor of a more cheerful sort, highlighting the self-involvement of our hero. Olof ‘s frivolous flirtations with the different girls eventually turn romantic and then turn into drama. There is conflict in the troubled relationship between Olof and his father and later with the father of his beloved. The beautiful and wild natural landscapes of Norrland and northern Sweden lend the tale a certain power and is characteristic of Herr Stiller’s other silents where Nature emerges as an important character in the story. This is strongly reflected throughout the film but especially during the frantic scene wherein Olof descends into the troubled waters of a river, a beautiful metaphor for the hardships that our hero has to endure until he finds himself. “Sangen Om Den Eldröda Blomman” is an excellent, beautiful film, a solid, technically perfect and intricate production of 1919 that demonstrates once again the importance of Herr Stiller for silent film history.
主演:David Rysdahl Sarah Wharton Nicole
简介:That's Not Us is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But what should be a fun and carefree weekend becomes an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last in what is now being called the gayest generation. Through each of the three couples - one gay, one lesbian, and one straight - That's Not Us explores sex and relationships with a fresh perspective, finding that while sexuality and gender may vary, the struggles to keep love alive do not.
主演:Austin Aaron Mike Boorn Anna Dahl V
简介:第二季继续探索1980年代洛杉矶湖人队的职业和个人生活。故事聚焦1980年总决赛之后到1984年的这段时期,季终讲述当时最伟大的球星——魔术师Johnson和Larry Bird之间的第一场职业重赛。