主演:DominicCooper GemmaChan ConnieNiels
简介:Stratton,一个为MI6服务的SBS特工,与他的美国同僚Marty监视着一个实验室以拦截致命的生化武器,然而任务搞砸,混乱中Marty受到致命伤牺牲了回到营地Stratton被MI6首脑召见,据情报一个被认为死了20年的前苏联特工Barovski叛逃了,他偷了前雇主的生化武器计划实施复仇。紧跟Barovski的踪迹Stratton和他的小队被派遣到罗马,其中美国海豹突击队的Hank也在其中,他曾是Marty忠心耿耿的徒弟,对杀害Marty的凶手满腔仇恨,Hank全力以赴却暴露了小队的掩护,使得Barovski得以逃脱。回到伦敦,Stratton和Hank追踪到生化武器的发明人并迫使他招供,他们发现任务不得不妥协,需要退一步才能进两步。小队不轻言放弃,任务也无法终止,与时间赛跑的同时他们发现Barovski有武器,他们也有……据前SBS成员 Duncan Falconer小说The Hostage改编
主演:Connie Nielsen Lars Mikkelsen Simon
简介:Completely shocked, Lisa storms out of the hotel and catches the very next bus to the airport, still wearing her wedding dress. She boards the correct bus, but one going in the wrong direction. On top of that, Lisa meets her former fiancé Vic on the bus.Vic is working as a courier for Toanga, a ruthless diamond mine owner, and is now on the run from crooks that want to kill him and steal the suitcase of diamonds he has been transporting. Unknown to his pursuers, Vic had thrown the precious suitcase into a gorge during his escape.The very last person that he could imagine to see was Lisa, who now turns his already bad day into a complete disaster. Lisa had literally left Vic alone at the altar, and the two still harbor mixed and chaotic emotions for each other. To add insult to injury, when the bus breaks down Lisa locks herself to Vic’s handcuffs so he cannot leave her behind in the jungle.An adventurous journey through the remote African wilderness begins. Then Vic learns that his abandoned suitcase contains not ordinary diamonds as he had thought, but the priceless “Mist of Namanga”.According to legend, this magnificent jewel shall lead the tribes of Namanga into a better future. Barely escaping a series of close calls and forced to deal with one catastrophe after another, the two continue to hunt for the legendary “Mist of Namanga” – but if they hope to survive they must first overcome their differences and work together as a team…