主演:Brian Stirner 达维德·哈里斯 Nicholas Ball
简介:1975年的《大君主》这部电影正正是描写D-day 1944.6.6盟军二战最大的诺曼底“大君主”登陆行动,由斯图尔特·库珀 导演,柏林电影节金熊奖影片,本片是之后许多电影参考的二战佳作 电影背景: 一九四四年六月六日的清晨,以美英军为主的同盟国军队於法国南部诺曼第海滩登陆。开闢了所谓的第二战场,计划代称为「大君主作战」(OPERATION OVERLORD),也有人翻成太上(皇)或统主或霸主(中国大陆翻)。其实OVERLORD是指一位英国君主。由於诺曼地登陆的保密措施,许多人并不知道真正的攻击发起时间,最高当局一律以代号称之,Dday代表攻击发起日,H时代表发动攻击时间.盟军以后的各项攻击行动都以此模式实施。盟军并採取大规模的欺敌措施,一项代号为「坚忍」的欺敌行动,误导德军,以为盟军将於海峡最窄处的加莱登陆。同时并实施大规模空袭,削弱诺曼第附近德军力量。盟军统帅艾森豪原定於六月五日实施登陆,但因天候不佳,展延至六月六日。 事实上盟军在登陆时天气还是相当恶劣,许多士官兵皆不耐船只颠簸,纷纷晕船,呕吐...在生理上承受极大的负荷。可是凭藉着一股信念,大部份的士官兵还是默默承受下来,并没有太大的反弹。相反的都希望能早日脱离集结区的等待之苦,早日与德军作战。当时,对多数人而言,只有一件事值得他们关心,那就是何时发动攻击?而在漫长的等待时,为排解无聊与苦闷,士官兵便以赌博为乐,当时以美军的驻地部队最为风行,几乎无处不赌,如果在台湾,可能早就被送禁闭了。 计划中将诺曼第滩头画成五大部分,由西向东分别为犹它(UTAH),奥马哈(OMAHA),黄金(GOLDEN),天后(JUNO),宝剑,(SWORD)滩头。其中的犹他滩头由美国第四师负责登陆,奥马哈滩头由美国第二十九师与第一师登陆,黄金滩头由英军第五十师负责,天后滩头由加拿大第三师负责,宝剑滩头由英国第三师负责登陆,预定於登陆的头两天(D+2day)内使用兵员176,475人,车辆20,110辆完成登陆。为对它们提供支援,共出动达上万架次的军机及5,000多艘军舰和登陆艇。登陆后各滩头皆能顺利登陆,仅有轻微抵抗,唯一的例外是奥马哈滩头,由於空袭与岸轰效果不佳,复加上盟军忽略德军第三五二步兵师的增防,导致该滩头死伤颇重.总计有2,500人伤亡,佔登陆日当天盟军死伤总数的四分之一强。 大君主作战计划中,特别计划以三支空降部队先期空降敌后,分别控制各处要道,迟缓德军增援部队抵达,以利盟军地面部队进攻。空降突击为求发挥奇袭的功能,决定於夜间实施,一方面以夜色掩护空降行动,另一方面也达奇袭之效。在最高指挥部中初步估计,空降突击的战损率极高,可能达五十%,部份单位甚至会有高达七十%以上的损失.对艾森豪而言,批准空降行动是一个难题,明知损失极高,但又不得不为。在通盘考量下,仍然通过由美国第一O一及八二两支空降部队与英国空降第六师共一万八千多人负责此一艰钜任务。艾森豪於行动前特别花了一个多小时与空降部队士官兵谈话,在空降部队出发后,艾森豪将军凝视着夜空,国家广播公司记者瑞德.穆勒,意外地发现这位将军眼中竟充满盈眶泪水。 盟军登陆后,为确保滩头堡阵地完整,并源源不断送上补给品,因此各项后勤设施也准备妥当。其中最为特别就是人工港口的设计.这也是第一次採用的新设计。人工港的名称为桑椹(Mulberries),大小相等於一个多佛港(Dover),共造了两座,在防波堤与滩岸之间,又放下许多三层楼高的水泥箱(代号凤凰)及浮动通道(代号鲸鱼),滩头上并昇上防空气球,避免德军战机的侵扰。除此之外还有由英国本土直接连接至滩头的海底油管。每日送至滩头的补给品达百万吨,提供盟军的完全支援。但是由於天候持续恶劣,最后还有暴风雨侵袭,人工港口后来毁於恶劣的暴风雨中,但是它的出现仍是盟军在最初登陆阶段,巩固滩头堡阵地的唯一屏障与支援。
主演:伊莱克特拉·阿维兰 Alvin Chon 克里斯托弗·马修·库克 Mi
简介:Teenager, Joan gets more than she bargained for when her workaholic dad buys her a cute pet monkey who grows wings, fangs, and an insatiable thirst for blood come nightfall. 十几岁的琼,当她工作狂的爸爸给她买了一只可爱的宠物猴子时,她得到了比她预想的更多的东西,这只猴子长着翅膀、尖牙,在夜幕降临时,她对血的渴求永不满足
主演:Allari Naresh Sakshi Choudhary Bane
简介:Nani (Allari Naresh) is a trepid and fearful guy who works as a software engineer. Bullet (Sakshi Chaudhary) is a mafia don in Dubai. Her mother doesn't know about Bullet's profession. Bullet is forced to come back to India when her mother falls ill. Her mother's last wish is to get Bullet married. That's when Nani falls in love at first sight with Bullet when she visits a temple wearing a traditional dress. Rest of the story is all about what happens when a coward like Nani marries a gangster girl without knowing her real profession.
主演:朴朴·彭帕努 Wawaa Nichari Chokprajakchat
主演:大卫·爱登堡 Greta Thunberg Michael E. Ma
简介:Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on our planet with interviews from some of the world’s leading climate scientists. After one of the hottest years on record, climatologists and meteorologists explain the effects of climate change on both the human population and the natural world. Scientists, including Dr James Hansen, Dr Michael Mann and Professor Catherine Mitchell will forensically unpack the science behind the extreme weather conditions of recent years, which have seen unprecedented storms and catastrophic wildfires; as well as detailing how the accelerating rate at which the world’s ice is melting is causing sea level rises, and how deforestation is exacerbating the problem of global warming by adding to CO2 in the atmosphere. The film will deliver an unflinching exploration of what dangerous levels of climate change could mean for human populations, what is likely to happen if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees and if major reductions in CO2 emissions are not made in the next decade. The documentary looks too at potential solutions, exploring the innovations, technology and actions the world's governments and industries are taking to prevent further warming and showcasing individuals who are creating change at grassroots levels. In the film, Sir David Attenborough says: "In the 20 years since I first started talking about the impact of climate change on our world, conditions have changed far faster than I ever imagined. It may sound frightening but the scientific evidence is that if we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. We're running out of time but there's still hope… I believe that if we better understand the threat we face, the more likely it is that we can avoid such a catastrophic future.”