主演:迪·波特切尔 加布瑞拉·克里维 波佩·李·弗里尔 乔·哈特利 罗德里·
简介:The Bafta Cymru award-winning In My Skin (5x30’) made by Expectation Entertainment is a dark comedy series from writer Kayleigh Llewell yn who has mined her own experiences to create this coming-of-age story about a teenage girl leading a double life. Bethan (Gabrielle Creevy) desperately tries to keep the truth of her home life a secret from her friends. But when your mother (Jo Hartley) is sectioned in a mental facility near your school and has a penchant for breaking out, and your father (Rhodri Meilir) is a Hell’s Angel who drives a rag-and-bone truck, flying under the radar isn’t so easy. Nevertheless, Bethan is determined to save her own blushes. But her cheek and wit can only carry her so far, as she digs herself deeper and deeper into a hole of her own lies. Along the way there are lesbian infatuations, tough love from her Nana, and non-stop interferences from her bulldozer teacher, who is always on her case. It’s funny, raw and heartbreaking at times, as we vicariously relive our adolescence through Bethan - the confusing, intoxicating, painful mess of it all.
主演:李连杰 赵尔康 宋佳 Kurt Roland Petersson Pa
简介: 国军的抗日战士小杰(李连杰 饰)经浴血奋战终于迎来抗战胜利,但是英雄的荣誉却属于美国军人。小杰赶到青岛投奔自己在军中的救命恩人张大哥(赵尔康 饰),其时张大哥刚把做陪酒女郎的女儿小蕊(宋佳 饰)赶出家门,小杰与张二人靠拉黄包车度日。在中国的美军飞扬跋扈,撞伤路人,小杰与美国军官汉斯对峙,引发群众将美军车辆烧毁。小杰在混乱的酒吧中响应美军挑战,登上拳台将对方击败。张大哥不堪女儿被美国兵调戏,却被对方殴打重伤。小杰为了给张大哥治伤筹钱,落入了美国兵的圈套,登上拳台做了人肉靶子。汉斯趁机再次向小杰挑战,二人混战之后张大哥和小蕊父女团聚,然而美国人的报复却仍然没有终止……
主演:芳妮·瓦莱特 约翰·利贝罗 拉斐尔·郎格莱 尼古拉斯·吉劳德 Maud
简介:一群年轻人相约去野外郊游,他们在车上听着摇滚乐,肆意地享受着青春的快乐然而,中途汽车爆胎,他们不得不开始徒步旅行,奔向那年久失修的攀岩圣地。两对恋人和一个单身汉用一张合影记录这个时刻,然而前方的路却不太平坦,处处危机四伏。他们来到了一个峡谷,两边都是悬崖峭壁,这种迷失的感觉,让他们有些沮丧。不过,领头人安东(贾斯汀•布朗卡特 Justin Blanckaert 饰)显然更加乐观,他尝试着用攀岩的方法度过危机,于是其他人也跟随前往,5个人在高空中相互配合,并肩作战。不过,正当他们准备凭借自己搭建的索道穿越峡谷的时候,罗伊克( 约翰•利伯欧 Johan Libéreau 饰)却掉队了。为了寻找同伴,他们不得不在这里过夜,但是黑暗中却有一只邪恶的手正在伸向这群年轻人……
主演:加里·卡尔 亚里安妮·拉贝德 安布林·拉齐亚 安·阿克因 安妮·康斯金
简介:The series follows cash-strapped couple Gemma (Thalissa Teixeira) and Kieran (Gary Carr), after they decide to open their small apartment up to a third resident. Surprisingly, new resident Ray (Ariane Labed) seems to make things easier for the couple. She makes the apartment feel bigger, not smaller, and the extra pair of hands makes life easier. But they soon enter a polyamorous relationship and each resident finds themselves learning to navigate love and relationships in an entirely new way.
主演:Graham McTavish Leo Gregory Ken Duk
简介:西罗(艾德·斯克林 Ed Skrein 饰)、科内尔(瑞恩·科万腾 Ryan Kwanten 饰)、艾斯波琼(汤姆·霍珀 Tom Hopper 饰)等人是一群身强体壮勇敢无畏的维京勇士,他们搭乘着前往英格兰的航船,即将抵达林地斯法恩岛,在那里等待着他们的,是价值连城的黄金和财富 然而,意外发生了,风暴的袭来让船舶毁于一旦,好不容易捡回一条命的一行人顺流而下登上了苏格兰海岸,然而,这里是阿尔巴王国的领土,阿尔巴国王(Danny Keogh 饰)对维京人恨之入骨,他接二连三派出了残暴冷酷的杀手想要了结西罗等人的性命,而这群维京壮士们,他们必须赶在自己人头落地之前抵达离这里最近的维京人定居点。
主演:Rauno Ahonen Mikkomarkus Ahtiainen
简介:First of all, I have to say that I had huge expectations about the movie. I went to theater to see some mind-blowing action. I was hoping that Åke Lindman had made something spectacular as his last movie. I also believed in his directing talents. Now I sadly have to say that the movie didn't fulfill my expectations. The movie was a bit bouncing: Going there, doing that, coming back and going again. Different people fought in different places and sometimes it was hard to follow what was happening as a whole. Well this wasn't too disturbing as the movie still was entertaining. Especially all tank-scenes were amazing. The lack of money, which was clearly visible, was maybe the most disruptive thing in the movie. As mentioned in the movie, there were about 250 cannons and mortars, plus bomber planes, targeting the Tali-Ihantala area. But when the "big fight" came, it looked like about 10 guns were bombing the woods with smoke grenades (And I can say this because I have served in mortar company in the Finnish army). I'm sure it looked like that because there were not enough money to make it look realistic. I was also hoping more soldiers running in the woods because hey, it was supposed to be the biggest fight in the northern Europe!