主演:叶林·韩 露西·巴雷特 艾莎·迪伊 Daniel Monks 汉娜·巴
简介: Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, modern millennial woman... until she runs into Emma for the first time in over a decade. Emma invites Cecilia away on her bachelorette weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains, where Alex proceeds to make Cecilia’s weekend a living hell. #triggered
主演:帕科·莱昂 蕾欧诺·瓦特林 亚历克斯·布伦德穆尔 María Roma
简介: The film revolves around Damián, who, in order to run away from his boss when he fires him after many long years of service in his company, hides in an old wardrobe that gets delivered to a middle-class house, inhabited by Lucía, Fede and their teenage daughter, María. Damián realises that staying in the wardrobe gives him the opportunity to lead the life that he has always yearned for. He thus becomes the family’s guardian angel, doing the housework in their absence, but he starts to lose his grip on reality, and Lucía, who is on antidepressants, believes that the closet harbours the ghost of her late brother.
主演:北野武 欧玛·艾普斯 真木藏人 加藤雅也 寺岛进 罗伊尔·沃特金 隆巴
简介:在黑帮争斗上失败了的山本(北野武饰),走投无路只能去找远在美国洛杉矶的弟弟阿键(真木藏人饰)。在言语不通的陌生城市里,山本找到了弟弟,但他已经成了不务正业的毒品贩子。 必然地,他们卷入黑帮仇杀、势力争斗当中,山本凭着心狠手辣,冷静果断,再身边有忠诚的手下加藤(寺岛进饰)以及黑人丹尼(欧玛?艾普斯饰),剿灭墨西哥贩毒党,不断壮大自己的地盘,四处挑战其他帮会,还拉拢一大黑帮头领白濑(加藤雅也饰)的甘心加盟。但是黑手党已经将目标瞄准了他们,一场血雨腥风的恶斗在所难免。
简介: In the middle of the outback, a stolen 4WD collides with a transport truck. Two local kids in the car are badly hurt. Someone should have called for help, but they didn’t. They didn’t because they work for an international research project no-one talks about and their cargo is a prohibited substance. The accident would have remained a mystery were it not for Ned (Dan Spielman) and Jesse Banks (Ashley Zukerman). Ned is a young internet journalist desperate for a break, and Jesse is his troubled younger brother whose obsession with hacking has got him into serious difficulties. Ned and Jesse Banks are given a poisoned chalice when a phone video of the outback accident arrives in their in-box. Their decision to dig deeper drags the brothers into the darkest heart of politics, the web of black marketeers and the international agencies that monitor and manipulate them. Together, they suddenly become the unlikeliest crusaders for democracy. The question is just how far those in authority will go to keep their explosive secret safe - and just how far the two brothers will go to reveal the truth.
主演:Teri Hatcher Felicity Huffman Marci
简介:发生在Edie身上的一件事会在Fairview的左邻右舍中引起怎样的反应?Lynette的癌症病情进展如何?小区里又搬来了新邻居,他们又是什么人? 一切都即将在9月30日《绝望家庭主妇》第四季首播中找到答案。 发生臺灣電影網在紫藤街的好戏在新一季里将继续上演。在上季最后一集中,John Slattery(饰演Victor Lang)迎娶了Eva Longoria所饰演的Gabrielle。但是,在之后的采访中John说过,他在剧中露面的时日不会太多了。这就意味着一出大戏将要上演。而这场戏肯定同Ricardo Antonio Chavira所饰演的Gabby的前夫Carlos有很大关系。来自加拿大的喜剧明星Nathan Fillion在新季中将扮演一位新搬入的妇科医生。另外,一对男同性恋伴侣也将是新的角色。他们的加入,也将为本剧增加更多喜剧色彩。 对紫藤街来说,平静的表面之下其实暗潮涌动。 《绝望家庭主妇》的故事是从Mary Alice Young为了掩盖一个惊天秘密而自杀身亡开始的。在每一集中,她都会以逝者的身份,从局外人的角度,用旁白的方式讲述朋友的生活。这也是本剧制作上的亮点之一。 她的朋友包括:Susan Mayer, 一位在爱情的旅途上坎坷不断的离异单身母亲;Lynette Scavo,被事业和家庭搞得焦头烂额的母亲;Bree Van De Kamp,养有两个问题小孩的寡妇;Gabielle Solis,曾做过当红模特的她,拥有很多女人们梦寐以求的东西——富有的丈夫、豪宅、香车,但美满的婚姻却不肯眷顾她。还有一位多次离婚的Edie Britt,地产经济人,她的爱情生活也是一团糟。 剧中的三位男主角分别是: Mike Delfino,一位与Suan分分合合的水管工;Lynette的丈夫Tom则有不太光彩的过去;第三位是Gabrille的离异丈夫Carlos。