简介: In 1998, wildlife enthusiast and photographer Chris Packham had a remarkable encounter with the Orang Rimba, a tribe of hunter-gatherers in the rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. It was the first time he had ever seen people living in perfect harmony with their environment. One photograph in particular that Chris took, a picture of a young tribal girl, has since become immensely important to him as a barometer of how we are treating our planet. In this real-life detective story, with no clues as to her identity or whereabouts other than his original photograph, Chris sets off to Sumatra 20 years on to try to find her, the girl in the picture.
简介:1957年,墨西哥拉雷多城曼努埃尔自幼父母双亡,为汽车修理铺老板弗利克斯收养。二十多年后,曼努埃尔成了一名技术熟练的汽车修理工。曼努埃尔和当地富商何塞的女儿胡安娜相爱,但何塞认为门不当,户不对,不允缔姻。当他得悉胡安娜已怀有身孕时,大发雷霆,一怒之下,将胡安娜和支持女儿的妻子赶出家门。为了使胡安娜从此死了和曼努埃尔结婚的心,何塞串通当地海关和法院,收买假证人,控告曼努埃尔犯有“走私和贩卖毒品罪”。曼努埃尔被判处二十五年徒刑,并被投入拉雷多监狱。胡安娜母女带领着刚出世的小曼努埃尔来到邻州一个小城度生。胡安娜的叔父哈辛托对哥哥何塞的胡作非为极为反感,对胡安娜母女的不幸深表同情。为了打听曼努埃尔的下落,哈辛托不辞辛劳来到拉雷多城。不久,哈辛托回来向胡安娜报告曼努埃尔下狱的经过。胡安娜坚信曼努埃尔不会干出这样的事,她强忍悲伤,同叔父一起前往拉雷多某地,打听曼努埃尔的下落。但是,他们奔波数年,未见曼努埃尔的行踪。原来,何塞为了使曼努埃尔永无出头之日,暗地买通拉雷多监狱的监狱长,悄悄销毁了曼努埃尔的所有档案及一切材料,因此,外界人怎么也打听不到曼努埃尔的下落了。岁月匆匆,已易二十五个寒暑,小曼努埃尔当上了律师。在何塞的葬礼上,哈辛托把曼努埃尔当年含冤入狱的前后经过详细地告诉了他。小曼努埃尔听后义愤填膺,决心全面调查父亲的案情,要把他从狱中营救出来。小曼努埃尔利用律师的合法身份,向当年审理父亲案件的拉雷多法院进行了详细的调查,并会同叔父赶到拉雷多监狱。监狱长得知他们的来意后惊恐万状,暗中派人企图将他们杀害,但是,小曼努埃尔及时识破了监狱长的阴谋,捕获了两名受命前来杀害他们的歹徒。随后,小曼努埃尔直接赶到首府维多利亚继续调查情况。在州警察局的协助下,小曼努埃尔终于将案情调查清楚。州警察局长罗勃勒斯下令逮捕了作恶多端的监狱长,并当场宣布曼努埃尔无罪释放。沉冤二十五年得昭雪,曼努埃尔两鬓已斑,他在儿子小曼努埃尔和哈辛托叔叔的陪同下出狱。在监狱的门口,曼努埃尔和胡安娜紧紧地拥抱在一起……上海电影译制厂1985年译制,主要配音演员:童自荣 王建新 尚华 李梓 翁振新 杨晓 崔杰 于鼎 孙渝烽 盖文源 戴学庐
简介:Everyone knows Sue, the majestic Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton that is the pride of Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History. Less known is the bizarre seven-year tale of intrigue, perfidy, double-dealing, and government intervention that resulted in the dinosaur-hunting discoverers, members of South Dakota’s Black Hills Institute, being divested of their find, cheated of recognition, and even sent to prison. Assembly of the gigantic fossil is something of a metaphor for filmmaker Miller’s meticulous reconstruction of a story that includes home movie footage of Sue’s discovery and recovery, her 1992 kidnapping by heavily armed FBI agents, a rip-roaring courtroom drama as her ownership falls into dispute, and her eventual sale at auction for a heart-stopping sum.
主演:杜夫·龙格尔 布莱恩娜·伊维根 肖恩·法瑞斯 乔恩·韦尔塔斯 Alys
简介:A couple love their new house, bought for a steal out of a foreclosure. During their first visit they find illegal drugs stashed in the walls, and they realize this is not their dream house. As they are about to leave, suddenly their exit is blocked by a gun-wielding neighbor Spector and his accomplice. They come to realize the house is hiding more than drugs - it's the operation center for mass drug czar who is buried beneath the floorboards. On the run from the professional killers who want the drugs and evidence, the resourceful couple will need to turn the tables on their attackers to survive.