简介:建筑设计师骠叔(董骠 饰)在行业内辛勤工作二十年,最近因一单设计受到老板赏识,升迁之余,更获赠一幢山中别墅的使用权骠叔与妻子(狄波拉 饰)兴高采烈的告别了拥挤的旧屋,携大女儿阿珍(李丽珍 饰)、阿珍男友大旧(何启南 饰)探访别墅,虽然家具需要重新添置、阿珍又在别墅中看到可疑的黑影,但难掩一家人的乔迁之喜。然而不久别墅中便发生众多可疑之事,凌乱的阁楼中似乎潜藏着对骠叔一家不怀好意的鬼魂,大旧请来的捉鬼专家被鬼物肆意整治后,骠叔欲为恶鬼拍照却被鬼上身,受恶鬼影响的骠叔愈发暴躁。在这一家人要将恶鬼生前的悲剧重演之时,住在附近的独眼道士(梁小龙 饰)出手相助……
主演:纳维德·内加班 David Diaan Viss Elliot Saf
简介:Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn't like working in the turkey barn; his passion is fixing up junkyard cars and bringing them back to life. Moti's mother Sarah tries to reconcile between the two, while his grandfather pushes Yitzhak to take a firm hand with his son. Yitzhak takes Moti's refusal to work in the turkey barn as a personal rejection. Though he loves his son dearly, he makes it his mission to impose the family farm on Moti. The arrival of Darius, the uncle from America, sets off a chain of events that will undermine the familial harmony. Soon enough Yitzhak will learn that his son is just as stubborn as he is. The conflict is inevitable. Written by Yuval Delshad
主演:Aleksandr Anikeenko Sergey Chernov
简介:Bipedalism, or 'two-footed walking', is the story of a painter who grew up in an orphanage and only years later learns the circumstances of his father's disappearance and death. Childhood memories bring the main character back to the past he buys a house in the suburbs that used to belong to his family. In the basement, he finds his father's archives and scientific research documents on the hybridization of human race with related biological species. Studying the archive material, he unexpectedly finds evidence of efforts to renew the experiments on the remaining hybrid population. The painter then becomes a researcher, and consequently a victim. The basic idea of his father's research was to change, control and influence the process of human evolution - initially connected with eugenics theories of the period before World War II, and now being placed in a context of modern 'biotechnological' expectations by his former colleagues. The main character tries to recreate and realize his father's heritage, who was forced to cooperate with state terror organizations, using the results of his secret research. In a tragic manner, this information turns into the main character's reality, at first forcing him to reappraise his father's values and later driving him to madness.
主演:SteveHowey MikeVogel ChanningTatum
主演:玛格瑞塔·泰瑞柯娃 Margarita Terekhova Rolan
简介:A pianist named Garvey, while traveling on a tour, gets off the train to buy cigarettes, and learns from a salesgirl that the cities imagined by Grin really exist. Forgetting about his tour, he goes to one of these cities, where he meets the captain of The Waverunner... The famous bard Alexander Galich wrote the script to this film -one of the 1960s best motion pictures. The film features his wonderful songs as performed by Galich himself A ship was sailing from faraway Australia..., Things will straighten out, there's nothing to worry about...... In the 21st century, the cinema will be different; perhaps it's natural. And yet, it's a pity...
简介:某韩国小镇上,围绕着一家中国餐馆形成了武馆角,餐馆主人是年迈的前中国功夫教练——如今的武会社长教授跆拳道的金馆长(申贤俊 饰)与教授剑道的金馆长(崔成国 饰)是一对天生的冤家,从事业到爱情无不针锋相对,日子在两家武馆的生源争夺战中平淡的过去,直到又一位金馆长出现——从武会社长处租到场地的功夫教头(权伍中 饰),两位金馆长面对优势尽现的新对手,感到如芒在背,只得结为暂时的同盟,结果却只是弄巧成拙。老会长有心偏袒自己的同派后辈,向三人提出了比武招亲的解决方式,在准备比武的间隙,黑社会势力入侵小镇,三位金馆长终于同仇敌忾,为尊严和友谊向恶势力发起挑战。