主演:SuzyKendall TinaAumont LucMerenda
简介:In Perugia, a serial-killer is strangling college students. Inspector Martino is in charge of the investigation and has a black and red scarf as the only lead to be followed. He asks the scarf street vendor Gianni Tomasso if he recalls who might have bought the scarf, but the man tells that he cannot remember. Then Gianni blackmails the killer and becomes his next victim. Meanwhile the college students and girlfriends Jane, Daniela, Katia and Ursula travel to an isolated villa to spend a couple of days together during a break from the art history classes of their professor Franz that has befriended Jane. When Jane twists her ankle, Dr. Roberto is summoned and asks her to rest. The student Stefano Vanzi stalks Daniela since he is obsessed for her. Are the girls in danger in the villa? Who might be the killer?
简介:Oliviero is a burned-out writer, living at his estate near Venice, his dead mother dominating his imagination. He is also a degenerate: sleeps with his maid and his ex-student, hosts Bacchanalia for local hippies, and humiliates his wife Irina in front of strangers. She lives in terror. When a young woman is murdered, police suspect Oliviero. Things get complicated when his young, beautiful, and self-confident niece, Floriana, pays an unexpected visit. A silver-haired stranger observes. More women die, and thoughts of harming Irina give Oliviero new inspiration. What"s Floriana"s game and who"s the observant stranger? Watching all is a black cat named Satan.
简介:Edwige Fenech 饰演 Julie,一位意大利外交官(Manuel Gill)的妻子度假回来不久,Julie 听说了系列暴力性犯罪的消息,(“是一名性欲狂吗?”他的司机问警察,答曰:“是的,不过他还用剃刀。”),使她想起了以前的情人Jean (Ivan Rassimov演)以及两人间曾经的狂乱的关系。Jean 在 Julie 参加的一个聚会上出现,并试图界入她的生活。此时,哀求神秘杀手的女受害者越来越多,这其中又有何复杂的联系呢? 此片异常出色,有四个明显原因。首先最重要的是 Fenech 的出色表演。其次是 Martino 富有想象力的导演,在 Julie 和 Jean 性感神秘淫而不乱的两性游戏情节中表现得淋漓尽致,几近巅峰。其三,剧情紧凑丰满,角色表演令故事凝聚有力。最后同样重要的是Nora Orlandi那炫烂悠扬的配乐,加上画面的色彩凝重,镜头的讲究,令人难以忘却。