主演:Gina Gershon Enrico Colantoni Colm
简介:电影《范思哲的一家》改编自华尔街记者德伯拉的《House of Versace: The Untold Story of Genius, Murder, and Survival》,讲述的是多纳泰拉·范思哲(吉娜·格申饰)与詹尼·范思哲(恩里克·克兰东尼饰)、露西亚(拉奎尔·韦尔奇饰)和圣托·范思哲(克鲁姆·费奥瑞饰)一家的故事现实生活中,大家所知到的多纳泰拉是她两个哥哥的掌声明珠、是“范思哲”集团的首席设计师、更是詹尼·范思哲之后公司的继承人。然而在电影中,多纳泰拉不仅仅是那个风光无限的天之骄女。她吸毒、药物上瘾,甚至让兄长留下的公司濒临破产。在哥哥圣托、女儿阿莱格拉等家人的帮助下,多纳泰拉才重新振作起来,让“范思哲帝国”变得更加强大。
主演:Daniell Edwards Sami Darr Anna Bård
简介:The town of Westbrick is a rough place to live in. It is here that the young rookie cop Matthew lives with his wife. Meanwhile, notorious serial killers Billy and Barbara embark on a killing spree in order to get notoriety. Matthew gets his first assignment with his much older partner William when he unfortunately crosses paths with Billy and Barbara. William gets killed in the line of duty by Billy and Barbara but that's not enough for them: they torture and brutally murder Matthew's wife. Things get even worse for young Matthew when he loses his job, being wrongfully blamed for William's death and now charged with murder. Matthew finds himself isolated; there is no reason to count on a corrupt legal system and even less of a chance of being found innocent. He goes on a rampage for vengeance and slowly turns into a mad psychopath just like Billy and Barbara.