主演:Aimee Auclair Rebecca Bujko Debra D
导演:Jamie Paolinetti
简介:Lucid Dreaming forces the dreamer's dreamworld to merge with his waking one. But at what cost to the dreamer's grasp on reality? Dreams are doorways, but what are they really for? And, if you feel you must know, beware the TRICKSTER.
导演:Laurent Lunetta Ariel Wizman
简介:90年代末期,隨著快時尚的出現和全球化,獨立高檔時裝店遭跨國公司併吞,零售店遍地開花,帶來巨大的利潤。2017年,全球奢侈品市場的營業額,超過兩千六百億歐元,時尚成為這些奢華帝國的搖錢樹。商業壓力導致業界要不斷供應產品、增加製造量。時尚業每年製造出八百億件衣物,成為僅次於石油工業全球最大的汙染源。快時尚不僅傷害環境,也傷害了身在其中的人,不論是身在時尚頂端的設計師,還是底層的被剝削勞工。 一樁悲劇,推動了時尚反思的力道——2013年4月24日,孟加拉的拉納廣場大樓倒塌,壓死1135名製衣工人,數千人受傷。他們是現代奴隸,全年無休地工作,廠主忽略大樓不安全的警告,不斷趕製訂單,以滿足快時尚無止盡的需求。孟加拉成衣廠倒塌的意外,揭露了離譜時尚體系的黑暗現實:太多的系列服裝、過度消費、來自股東的壓力、設計師筋疲力盡——光鮮絢麗的全球時尚圈,瀰漫著死亡的臭味。 曾被美國時代雜誌選為全球二十五名最具時尚影響力的莉・愛德科特(Li Edelkoort),在孟加拉拉納廣場大樓慘案後一年,出版《反時尚》一書。她認為:「反時尚成為時尚,變成一個社會運動。」並大膽預測,時尚已走上窮途末路,人類社會將再次回到衣的本質、重視打版製衣等基本功的時代。 已有許多新一代的設計師,透過他們的作品反思當前時尚潮流,包括:利用instagram表現作品的薩米亞、讓尋常服飾發光的「唯特萌」,以及讓廢棄二手布料「再生」的設計師阿奈伊絲……,這些突破大企業壟斷的短供應鏈與小型工廠,正如雨後春筍興起。 反時尚,不只是思維方式的轉變,也表現在生產方式的大逆轉。「光之友工人合作社」體現了極致奢華的新概念——「超慢時尚」,四位來自紐約的織女,在鄉間一梭一線,織出手工紡紗服裝。儘管一件衣服要價3200美金,但這種新型態的奢侈,卻以完全不同的消費邏輯在運作,這些衣服以最珍貴的東西製成,那就是「時間」。創辦人帕絲卡,曾經是因為時尚壓力而精疲力竭的設計師,卻在手作中找回創作與創業的熱情。 時尚找回了手工藝精神,但科技正在顛覆高級訂製服。3D列印被視作一場科技革命,可以解決大規模製造體系導致的浪費,在不久的未來,3D列印機可能成為主流,衣服會數位化,樣式能從網上下載,新的工業革命正蓄勢待發。 星星之火,可以燎原。反時尚的思潮正化為遍地開花的行動,翻轉時尚產業。作為其中關鍵的另一方——身為消費者的我們——又將在其中扮演何種角色?
主演:Morena Baccarin Elizabeth Mitchell
简介:Simultaneously appearing over every major city in the world, the Visitors (or V's) arrived offering us the wonders of their technology and promoting peace. While the world quickly embraced the V's as saviors in ABC's "V" (2011) TV show, an FBI Counter Terrorist Agent, and others making up the resistance group called The Fifth Column, quickly discovered that the Visitors are not who they said they were. Will humanity stop being fooled and realize the Visitors true intentions before it becomes too late and they take over Earth in "V" Season 2?
简介:Bedlam is the first major documentary to explore the crisis in care of severely mentally-ill citizens. Set in Los Angeles, the film tracks wrenching individual stories of mentally-ill patients caught on an endless merry-go-round of ineffective care, exposing the anatomy of a broken healthcare mill. What was once a system built around long-term asylum care has essentially become a crude horror show for thousands who are detained, medicated, and tossed onto the streets with no means of recovery. There, petty crime and drug addiction land many in prison, where they are detained and medicated again, creating a tragic loop. As one psychiatrist points out, this government-sanctioned loop is the actual definition of insanity. Add to that the fact that few psychiatrists are even willing to treat those most severely afflicted, and you’ve got an all-out crisis that’s also a major source of homelessness and incarceration. With a mixture of pained intimacy and sweeping historical context, Bedlam shows how deep-seated shame, stigma, and decades-long political negligence have led to the single largest social catastrophe of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. 《精神病医院》是首部探讨严重精神病患者护理危机的大型纪录片这部电影以洛杉矶为背景,讲述了精神病患者被无休止的无效护理的旋转木马缠住的痛苦故事,揭露了一个破碎的医疗工厂的解剖结构。 曾经建立在长期庇护护理基础上的系统,对于被拘留、服药、被扔到街上无法康复的数千人来说,已经基本上变成了一个粗暴的恐怖秀。在那里,轻微犯罪和吸毒成瘾使许多人落入监狱,在那里他们再次被关押和服药,造成了一个悲惨的循环。正如一位精神病学家指出的,这个政府认可的循环是精神错乱的真正定义。除此之外,几乎没有精神病医生愿意治疗那些受折磨最严重的人,而且你有一场全面的危机,这也是无家可归和监禁的主要原因。
主演:克洛伊·布里吉斯 尼克·斯旺森 Logan Paul 安德鲁·巴切勒
导演:David Dinetz Dylan Trussell
简介:En route to the world's largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death; today is his first time flying. All of his worst nightmares come true when the passengers refuse to switch their phones to airplane mode, causing the plane's controls to go haywire and electrocuting the pilots. Amidst the chaos, Juanpa Zurita (Logan's foreign exchange brother) has one goal: to lose his virginity or die trying. It's up to Logan to overcome his fears, defeat a Russian psychopath on the loose, and save the day. Co-starring Chloe Bridges, Amanda Cerny, King Bach, Nick Bateman, Lele Pons, Roman Atwood, Casey Neistat, Brittany Furlan, and many more, the internet is about to crash and explode Logan knows he will save his fandom .