主演:Ari Albarrán Hayde Boeto 劳尔·布里奥内斯 P
简介:在一场文学著作发表会上,一位女性坐在台前,朗读著书籍里的字句,抬头望见门口走进的男士,四目相望,勾起无限回忆她是Rosario Castellano,上世纪墨西哥文坛最重要的诗人、作家,身为一位女性,长久以来致力为女性的权益、受父权社会压迫的群体而发声。在 1950 年代初期,当时还是位文艺少女的她遇上了年轻帅气的知识青年 Ricardo Guerra,两人步入婚姻有了共同的孩子,他成为哲学教授,而她则成为一位母亲、妻子与作家—这社会要求女性必须无条件地扮演好前两个角色,才有余地思考其余的事情。嗒嗒的打字机声响,成为原本相爱的两人最深刻的折磨,她如何在怀抱著文学创作梦与社会大众对女性角色的期待之间取得平衡?
主演:StaceyBradshaw BlakelyBunnell Carol
简介:The Senior Prank is family drama about a group of popular teenagers who wage a fake campaign to elect a girl with Down Syndrome as the schools Homecoming Queen. Inspired by real bullying events witnessed by real teenagers in their local high schools. Cara Jarvis longs to be a part of the in-crowd at her new high school. In an effort to impress town hottie Brandon, she befriends Grace, a girl with Down Syndrome, a friendship she tries to hide when she meets popular girls Skylar and Quinn. When Skylar loses her bid to be on the Homecoming Court, she sets it up for Grace to become Homecoming Queen as the Senior Prank. Grace wins, is publicly humiliated, and Skylar rigs it so that Cara takes the blame. But the prank goes awry and Cara, Skylar & Quinn are forced to face the unintended consequences of there actions.
主演:TamannaAgnihotri KamalpreetKaur Tar
简介:He makes her life a nightmare. Together with her friends, she lays out a revenge plan
主演:奥利弗·杰森-科恩 莎拉·斯努克 Brendan Guerin
简介:William Thornhill, an illiterate Thames bargeman and a man of quick temper but deep feelings, steals a load of timber and is transported to New South Wales in 1806. Like many of the convicts, he's pardoned within a few years and settles on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. Perhaps the Governor grants him the land or perhaps he just takes it - the Hawkesbury is at the extreme edge of settlement at that time and normal rules don't apply. However he gets the land, it's prime riverfront acreage. It looks certain to make him rich. There's just one problem with that land: it's already owned. It's been part of the territory of the Darug people for perhaps forty thousand years. They haven't left fences or roads or houses, but they live on that land and use it, just as surely as Thornhill's planning to do. They aren't going to hand over their land without a fight. Spears may be primitive weapons, but settlers know that they can kill a man as surely as a ball of lead from a musket. As he realises all this, Thornhill faces an impossible choice. Some of his neighbours - Smasher Sullivan, Sagitty Birtles - regard the Darug as hardly human, savages with as little right to land as a dog. When the Darug object to being driven off, those settlers have no compunction in shooting or poisoning them. Other neighbours make a different choice, and find ways to co-exist with the Darug. Blackwood has made a family among them. Mrs Herring "gives them when they ask". Hostility between blacks and whites gradually escalates. Finally a group of settlers decides to go out and "settle" the Darug for once and for all. Will Thornhill join them? The decision he makes is with him for the rest of his life.