主演:Azura Skye Joshua Leonard Nathan Ba
简介:Critic Leonard Maltin describes "Three On A Match" as a "hard hitting example of forbidden Hollywood". That it is, no happy endings here, as this depression era film follows the rise and fall of childhood friends who get caught up in the seamy underworld of booze, drugs and gambling, ultimately trading places along the way.The three friends are Mary Keaton Bernard (Joan Blondell), Vivian Revere Kirkwood (Ann Dvorak) and Ruth Wescott (Bette Davis), shown growing up between 1919 and 1932 as a montage of newspaper headlines place the story in a historical context. Blondell's character is a reform school standout, whose life experience puts her in a position to counsel a depressed and "fed up with everything" Vivian. Viv takes up with small time hood Mike Loftus (Lyle Talbot) after disappearing with her young son from a cruise ship. Loftus ingratiates himself with mobster Harve (Humphrey Bogart in a minor role) and his boss Ace (Edward Arnold) by going into debt for two grand. The desperate creep attempts to blackmail the boy's father, wealthy lawyer Robert Kirkwood (Warren William), but that plan heads south as the cops quickly close in. Vivian's resolution is one of the more depressing finales to a tale that realistically depicts a pair of unfortunate souls whose lives spiral completely out of control.The film does have it's share of light moments; one of the newspaper clippings describes the new fashion trend in beachwear, a "brief" sun suit, ably modeled by Bette Davis. In stark contrast, Mr. Kirkwood's attire of choice is a business suit and tie while sitting under a beach umbrella, hard to work up a good tan that way. Davis' screen time is limited but effective, with a sit up and take notice scene where she's shown wearing just a slip early in the film, rather daring for the era and showing more skin than one might expect.Warner Brothers/First National masterfully portrayed the down and out, seamy underside of life during the 1930's, '40's and '50's, tackling all manner of subjects in their movies. "Three On A Match" tells it's tale without a wasted moment, sometimes relying on scenes that only last a few seconds to move the story along. It's hard edged and no nonsense, all the more provocative for it's mature subject matter and realistic portrayals; highly recommended.
主演:詹姆斯·布洛林 Dilana Warrick Grier 卡洛斯·博纳
简介:这趟激动人心的摇滚冒险发生在加利福尼亚的沙漠以及南卡罗来纳的乡下Scottie B是一个挣扎在药物中的摇滚女星,事业濒临崩溃,当她意识到 自己就快沦为名气的牺牲品的时候,她选择了出走。她与经纪人兄长Morgan毁约,躲进了莫哈韦沙漠。然而平静的生活并不长久,Morgan突然打电话告诉她,说他们在南卡罗来纳继承了一间小酒吧。Scottie对此迟疑不决,命运却先她一步让悲剧无情地上演…….Scottie带着眼泪和吉他上路。 她终于看见了传说中的酒吧,大惊失色,那里简直是一片废墟。兄妹俩绝望地发现他们身处四面楚歌的环境:凶悍的摩托党,枪不离手的帮派分子,恶毒的生肉贩,还有一个下定决心誓死和他们作对的变态邻居…… 尽管浸淫在绝望的泥沼,Scottie却逐渐学会了反抗,她从那位拥有天使声线的阿姨手中继承的不单是一家酒吧,更是高贵的灵魂、超脱苦难的精神和对抗恶魔的勇气。这是一部摇滚电影,旧西部片风格的酒吧枪战,掺杂着些许南美特色的神秘主义元素。这是一场血性狂野、激情肆洒的冒险,且看一对兄妹如何凭借顽强的意志战胜了那群看似无可匹敌的怪胎杂种。(Written by Michael Givens;东柚翻译)
主演:Heath Ledger Mark Addy Peter Weller
导演:Brian Helgeland Craig Baumgarten
简介:阿莱克斯(希斯·莱吉尔饰)是纽约一名年轻的神父,身为基督教徒却对基督教的陈腐非常不满,他希望通过努力改变这种现状,成了教会里的反叛人物不久前,他的老师兼朋友:一位法国大使死了,尸体上却印有一个神秘的宗教标志,上面还写着阿拉米语,阿莱克斯因此怀疑法国大使的死是他杀,而且很可能隐藏着巨大阴谋。悲愤之下,阿莱克斯决定协助负责此案的女警官玛拉(莎莲·苏珊雯 饰)调查此案,找出大使死亡的幕后凶手。与此同时,阿莱克斯将尸体上印有特殊标志的线索送到了梵蒂冈,交给他的老师多米尼克神父,希望他可以破解这个秘密。但老师并没有给他答复,不久后,阿莱克斯被召回罗马,在那里他仍然继续调查,他那时已经隐约感觉到大使之死和基督教有关。一个偶然的机会,阿莱克斯最亲密的同事汤姆斯神父(马克·埃迪 饰)发现,大使的神秘死亡可能源自基督教中一种古老的传说仪式。在现行教会中举行这种仪式的人,很可能是威廉姆(班诺·福曼 饰)——他的真实身份就是基督教传说中的“食罪人”。“食罪人”是在古老基督教中担任特殊职位的人,他们自命为地球上的神,通过在教堂外举行某种仪式赦免那些已经死去的人,洗去他们未忏悔的罪过,允许死去的人不因犯过邪恶而受到惩罚——而这种仪式其实就是吃掉死者的尸体,更可怕的是,“食罪人”往往会为了赦免某人的罪过,在必要时对活人下手……