导演:Cheryl Heuton Nicolas Falacci
简介:Rob Morrow扮演的FBI探员和他那具备超乎常人数学天才的弟弟Charlie一起侦破了在L.A发生的大范围严重罪案Charlie对案件独特的思考方式让Don的同僚Terry Lake 和David Sinclair 都感到十分惊讶。与此同时,Don和Charlie的父亲对于两个儿子专注执着的个性会否使彼此在工作中产生摩擦感到担心。Larry Fleinhardt 是Charlie的学院导师,他希望Charlie专注于学术研究而不是浪费无谓的精力帮助警方破案。 NUMB3RS将会通过真实的事例,反映数学理论是如何被应用到警方的调查之中,从而破解一件件匪夷所思的罪案。
主演:安德烈·鲁斯特 Judith Engel Milena Dreißig
简介:For her rst television lm – a remake of Fassbind- er’s Die bi eren Tränen der Petra von Kant – direc- tor Vera wants the perfect cast. But the rst day of shoo ng is fast approaching and the numerous cas ng sessions have yet to nd a suitable actress to play the leading role. Although the producer and crew are ge ng ever more exasperated with Vera, Gerwin is happy about the extra work, as he earns his money as an audi on reader, delivering the lines of dialogue to the starry candidates at the various cas ngs. When the male lead suddenly has to back out, Gerwin thinks that this might just be his chance. Director Nicolas Wackerbarth captures the complex essence of Fassbinder’s lm and simultaneously cre- ates a profound work of his own. Cas ng takes an un inching look at the murky depths of human rela- onships driven by power, passion and despera on. Yet Wackerbarth also brings bi er truths to light about power rela ons and dependencies in the Ger- man television industry almost in passing. Cas ng is both intelligent and entertaining, marked by ex- ci ng turning points, humour and the breathtaking ac ng performances by a truly virtuoso ensemble.
主演:萨加莫尔·斯蒂芬南 Clément MANUEL Alexia BAR
简介:故事开始于1991年5月6日,拥有一妻一女的警官Alexander Falco本该有个光明的前途然而造物弄人:一颗子弹射入他的脑中而后使他陷入了昏迷。22年后Falco奇迹般睁开了他的双眼,却早已不认识了这个世界:妻子拥有了新的家庭,而女儿也早已长大成人。他的前队友,现在已经晋升为长官,也宣布了他的退休。但Falco坚决不放弃。凭着一股冲劲和不墨守成规的态度,和年轻的新警官Lieutenant Chevalier一起,他又回到了调查中。Falco为了夺回他的生活愿意付出一切,只要他开始,就没有什么能让他停下来。