简介:朴荷英是一名男性泌尿科的医生,每日接触着各种男性患者因为不喜欢男人的自大与不尊重女性,独立自主的她决定通过人工授精来实现自己渴望有一个孩子的心愿。这时候一名叫做申贤宇的记者因为一篇以“无法勃起的男人跟使用精子库受精的女强人直接的关系” 为主题的报道找到她,并且对她一见倾心,展开了各种方式的追求。荷英一开始对贤宇并无男女的好感,甚至为贤宇的纠缠而不悦,还企图利用职务之便戏弄贤宇来赶走她。然而荷英未能预料,意外闯入她生活的贤宇在潜移默化中改变着她以往的生活方式和许多观念,荷英对贤宇渐生情愫。一次二人坐过山车,贤宇因为荷英晕倒而意外得知了她怀孕的事情,一时间陷入了感情和伦理的挣扎,而眼见荷英的孕期也逐渐临近…
主演:Fernando Gómez Rovira Roberto Faría
简介:03:34: Earthquake in Chile (Spanish: 03:34: Terremoto en Chile) is a Chilean film directed by Juan Pablo Ternicier, and written by Mateo Iribarren, which will narrate three different stories, based on the 8.8 Richter magnitude earthquake, and subsequent tsunami that hit Chile in 2010.The movie shows three stories of people that was affected by the disaster.The first of them, shows a woman (Andrea Freund) that goes from Pichilemu, O'Higgins Region, to the devastated town of Dichato, Biobío Region, as her sons were there spending their vacations there with Manuel (Marcelo Alonso), their father.The second story shows the experience of a convict (Fernando Gómez-Revira), who escapes from the Chillán Prison to Concepción, as his daughter was in the Alto Río building, which collapsed during the earthquake.The third story is developed in Dichato, where a group of young people (Loreto Aravena, Eduardo Paxeco, and Andrés Reyes), while enjoying their last day of vacations in a party, experience the strong movement and tsunami that annihilates the place.
主演:理查德·柯伊尔 克莱尔·芙伊 大卫·苏切 查尔斯·丹斯
简介:在名为Ankh-Morpork的城市里,现代科技取得了极大的进步人们渐渐忘却传统的邮政系统,转而倾向于更加便利快捷的互联网络Clarks。但是Clarks并不稳定,由于系统经常崩溃,导致网络传输的速度越来越慢。Ankh-Morpork的领主维提奈瑞(Charles Dance 饰)无法继续忍受Clarks的专横和缓慢,他决定服刑业已崩溃的传统邮政系统。维提奈瑞将复兴邮政的最佳人选锁定在莫瑞斯特·范·李维格(Richard Coyle 饰)的身上。这是一个头脑精明、狡猾非常的小骗子。维提奈瑞在即要关头就下了即将被绞死的莫瑞斯特,并委命他为邮局的局长。莫瑞斯特逃跑不能,不得已带领一帮老弱残兵与Clarks展开了对抗……本片根据Terry Pratchett的同名小说改编。
主演:劳伦·白考尔 马里莎·贝伦森 杜鲁门·卡波特 Nicky Vreela
导演:Lisa Immordino Vreeland Frédéric Tcheng Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt
简介:Diana Vreeland (1903-89) was the twentieth century’s greatest arbiter of , an exotic and vibrant character who, during her fifty-year reign as the “Empress of Fashion,“ dazzled the world with her unique vision of high and low. She was the most important oracle of fashion inviting us to join her on a voyage of perpetual reinvention and take part in the adventure of life. Through her trained and diligent eye, she opened the door of our minds and gave us the freedom to imagine. Her images and accomplishments are as fresh and relevant now as they were then, and her spirit is just a vibrant and relevant today. As Jackie Onassis once put it: “To say Diana Vreeland has dealt only with fashion trivializes what she has done. She has commented on the times in a wise and witty manner. She has lived a life.“