主演:塔拉·雷德 米莎·巴顿 Erin K Clark Grace Dema
简介:-A graduate student trying to complete her research on a book project she hopes will help her down-on-her-luck mother brings friends to a house with a mysterious past, where the group unwittingly summon an evil entity who makes the home part of its terrifying game.
主演:MattFoyer JohnBolen RalphLucas Chad
简介:The Call of Cthulhu, written in 1926 by H.P Lovecraft is a central piece in the horror-genre. Lovecraft renewed Horror with his style and ideas. Many have tried to adapt his books to the big screen, but none has been as successful as the HPLHS who just recently completed their black and white silent version of Call of Cthulhu. Not only did they attempt to make a faithful and creepy adaptation, but also to make it look as if it was made in the time of Lovecraft. The movie is blessed with terrific actors who all seem like they genuinely care about the portrayal of the story. All performances are top notch which signifies that the actors are very talented as well as great directing on part of Andrew Leman. This is truly one of the great strengths of Call of Cthulhu. The movie has a really authentic 1920ties feel to it. The producers have payed much attention to detail; so everything looks and feels genuine. Another strong point. The adaptation itself is magnificent. Never before have I seen such a faithful adaption of any Lovecraft-story in my entire life. Nothing is rushed, its all there and even though the movie is only 45 minutes long it is just as good at telling the story as Lovecraft himself. The movie is full of special effects, stop motion animation and so forth. This movie is low budget and independent; and yes Universal studios would be able to create more convincing effects, but that is entirely unessential to this film as it is made to fit the 1920ties era. If Cthulhu himself were made with fancy computer animation the movie would have failed at its objective; to be faithful to the silent-movie genre. To be honest I love the effects in Call of Cthulhu. They strengthen the feel of authenticity and you never miss the big and pointless explosions that mainstream cinema offers. I would personally recommend this movie to anyone with an interest in HP Lovecraft, Horror, Independent films and vintage films. It truly is remarkably good. Ive already watched it three times, and I love it more for each time. I hope youll enjoy it as much as I have.
主演:Alissa Jung Wanja Mues 曼努尔·科特兹 Mich
主演:安德鲁·林肯 乔·博恩瑟 劳瑞·侯登 莎拉·韦恩·卡丽丝 杰弗里·德曼
导演:弗兰克·德拉邦特 乔韩·瑞克 Michelle Maxwell MacLaren Gwyneth Horder-Payton 盖·费尔兰德 Ernest R. Dickerson GwynethHorder-Payton MichelleMaxwellMacLaren ErnestR.Dickers
简介:《行尸走肉》讲述了警察瑞克在一次执法行动中因中弹负伤而不省人事,当他从昏迷中苏醒后却惊讶地发现,这个世界已然天翻地覆。周遭一派死境,丧尸横行,没有活人踪影。死里逃生的瑞克赶到家中,却不见妻儿的踪影…… 尽管僵尸题材有些老套,但这部漫画却着重刻画了人物角色的心理活动与变化,人性中的黑暗面在大灾难中暴露无疑。哀殍遍野,丧尸满目,人类在其中苟延残喘,带来毁灭与伤害的不仅仅是那些行尸走肉,还有活人间的互相争斗。故事将主人公一次次抛入绝境的同时,也给予观者一种如临末世的悲望。
主演:杰弗里·迪恩·摩根 安德鲁·林肯 劳伦·科汉 迈克尔·库立兹 塞斯·吉
导演:格里高利·尼克特洛 Alrick Riley David Boyd 达内尔·马丁 Michael E. Satrazemis Rosemary Rodriguez Jeffrey F. January 卡莉·斯考格兰德 迈克尔·斯劳韦斯
简介:尼根的救世军抓了瑞克、达里尔、格伦、卡尔、玛姬、米琼恩、萨沙、亚伯拉罕、罗西塔、尤金、亚伦共11名瑞克团成员,并杀死了亚伯拉罕、格伦,此事余波影响到了“救世主”与几个团队之间的冲撞。 第七季局势非常混乱,多方冲突逐步展开[3] 。随着尼根掌握主权,剧情呈现出一个全新的开始,与之前的剧情感觉会完全不同。瑞克团的成员们处在他们此前从没经历过的处境中,他们会处在超级弱势的地位,饱受迫害[4] 。 瑞克、弩哥等人经历了尼根的残酷统治之后,新势力以西结(Ezekiel)登场,双方必然会形成激烈的矛盾冲突。恶劣环境下求生存是第一法则,瑞克、弩哥等人趁乱东山再起[2] 。瑞克会率领山顶寨、神之国等组织的联军对救世军发起进攻,毕竟尼根这个大反派杀死了瑞克的好友,而且还极度威胁到瑞克他们的生存,大战不可避免[5] 。