主演:谢利·温特斯 克里斯托弗·琼斯 黛安·瓦西 米莉·佩金斯
简介:Deserves recognition as an interesting misunderstanding of the hallucination generation, 20 January 2007 Author TimothyFarrell from Worcester, MA Wild in the Streets comes from the same school of film making that spawned other attempts to connect to the counterculture such as Skidoo and Candy. The difference between this and the aforementioned films is that Wild in the Streets is reasonably clever and well-made. It isn't sympathetic to the counterculture and will likely offend those with fond memories of the time. Surprisingly, it was a big hit when released and appealed to the youth whom it ridiculed so much. Unlike The Trip and Psych-Out (two other AIP films), its not an accurate representation of the movement at all. However it does work as social satire. The direction by Barry Shear is good and makes innovative use of split screen photography. Plus, he keeps everything moving at a quick pace. In its funny moments, the film works well. In its attempts at drama, its helplessly dated and just as funny as the humorous moments. Christopher Jones underplays his role and Shelly Winters overacts. Hal Holbrook offers the best performance and Diane Varsi achieves the right note of grooviness. The script by Robert Thom has its moments, especially the ending (easily the most ingenious part of the film). Wild in the Streets isn't perfect, but deserves recognition as an interesting misunderstanding of the hallucination generation. Those into this kind of kitsch will enjoy it the most. I'd rather watch The Trip or Psych-Out however. (610) -from imdb
主演:祖舒华·克洛斯 塞尔玛·布莱尔 蕾切尔·敏纳 詹姆斯·达西
简介:小女儿意外身亡,马克·休斯(祖舒华·克洛斯 Joshua Close 饰)带着妻子玛丽(塞尔玛·布莱尔 Selma Blair 饰)、儿子布兰登(奎恩·罗德 Quinn Lord 饰)驱车来到位于偏远山间的私宅,试图让短暂的假期弥合心头的伤口不过他们的宁静很快被邻居萨卡斯基一家打破。相对于依然沉浸在悲伤中且有些疏离冷漠的休斯夫妇,萨卡斯基家的男主人鲍比(詹姆斯·达西 James D’Arcy 饰)和妻子珍(蕾切尔·敏纳 Rachel Miner 饰)显得有些过分热情,他们主动要求登门拜访,期间问东问西,令气氛诡异紧张。直到布兰登和鲍比的儿子杰瑞(阿莱克斯·费瑞斯 Alex Ferris 饰)发生冲突,别扭的家庭聚会戛然中止,不欢而散。然而对于休斯一家来说,真正的噩梦才刚刚开始……
简介:In this sci-fi chiller, a young woman's peace is shattered when she begins hearing loud screams in her head. They are the agonized wailings of an astronaut deliberately marooned upon the moon by a double-crossing experimenter. Soon the woman becomes possessed by the astronaut.
导演:John Shiban
简介:厌倦了碌碌无为的平庸生活,德州女孩妮可·卡洛(詹米·亚历山大 Jaimie Alexander 饰)与男友杰西·希尔斯(乔伊·曼迪西诺 Joey Mendicino 饰)离家出走,驾车前往洛杉矶追寻她的表演梦想。两人一路前行,伴随着聊天、温存和争吵。期间他们迷路,汽油又所剩无几,好不容易才找到一个偏僻破旧的休息站。在使用过附近那昏暗、肮脏的洗手间后,妮可发现杰西和汽车竟然凭空消失。在这个收不到任何信号、杳无人烟仿佛与世隔绝的地带,她顿时陷入孤立无援的困境。 然而妮可的厄运并未就此结束,一辆神秘的黄色小卡车对她展开攻击,而各种各样离奇古怪的事件也相继发生……