主演:乔治娜·芜班 扬容·斯皮森伯格 WineDierickx
简介:非常可爱的荷兰儿童家庭喜剧,根据Paul van Loon的《青蛙老师》改编,小女主可爱极了 希塔妈妈很少陪伴她,希塔的老师法兰兹很关心她,没想到老师却突然变成青蛙!几天后老师迟到,因为一隻黑色大鹳鸟差点吃了他。校长想开除他,希塔和好朋友华特想阻止,所以去搜校长室。大鹳鸟从窗户飞进来,华特吓得跑走,留希塔一人躲在校长室。希塔很气 华特丢下她,隔天让法兰兹老师变成青蛙,再把他带回家,老师才明白希塔很寂寞。校庆当天,老师竟当众变成青蛙!希塔也发现原来校长就是那隻大鹳鸟!有了妈妈和华特帮忙,希塔能否转危为安呢?
主演:凯尔·杜拉 Jurgen Schmidhuber Louis Rose
简介:Acclaimed filmmaker Leanne Pooley directs this insightful documentary examining the future of artificial intelligence and the impact it will have on our world. As computers continue to evolve at an ever-greater speed, soon they will have the capacity to design and program themselves. Without the help of humans, the next generation of computers will create new and smarter A.I. at an exponential pace. What will these technological developments mean for the future of mankind Written by GFC Films
主演:Margarete Schön Theodor Loos Paul B
简介:Wunder der Schöpfung is an extraordinary, fascinating Kulturfilm trying to explain the whole human knowledge of the 1920s about the world and the universe. 15 special effects experts and 9 cameramen were involved in the production of this film which combines documentary scenes, historical documents, fiction elements, animation scenes and educational impact. It its beautifully colored, using tinting and toning in a very elaborated way. Some visual ideas in the sequences with a space shuttle visiting different planets in the universe seem to have to be the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey. In the context of Germany's Kulturfilm phenomenon, Wunder der Schöpfung was among the greatest achievements of the 1920s. The production was constructed, rehearsed, and shot over a period of two and a half years, under the supervision of Hanns Walter Kornblum. The idea to describe the universe and man's place in it well suited UFA's Grossfilm mentality, one year before the Metropolis catastrophe. Hundreds of skilled craftsmen participated in the project, building props and constructing scale models drawn by 15 special effects draughtsmen, while 9 cameramen in separate units worked on the historical, documentary, fiction, animation, and science-fiction sequences. Without star roles or even protagonists, the film's plot is crowded with meticulously structured and skillfully acted single scenes an artful mosaic of small vignettes. No less than four credited university professors ensured the factual background behind the scientific and historical events portrayed. The film's symbol of progress and the new scientific era is a spacecraft, travelling through the Milky Way, making all the planets and their inspiring worlds familiar to us, with the extravaganza of their distinctive features. The film's educational intentions, however, become steadily more obscure, humorous, or even campy as this popularization project proceeds. With the excuse of presenting the end of the world a not-so-new concept as a new, undeniably scientific truth, the film veers happily along a new path, displaying detailed apocalyptic scenes of the end of mankind. For today's audiences, this amazing film demonstrates how the universe was comprehended in the 1920s, and how that view was sold to contemporary audiences.
主演:Michael Piccirilli Pamelyn Chee A
导演:Hann-Shi Lem
主演:Miles Watts Tony Hipwell Hannah Bun
导演:Hannah Bungard Miles Watts Tony Hipwell
简介:Feature length adaptation of the cult British zom-com web series following the adventures of three inept survivors of a zombie apocalypse through a video blog they maintain to ease the boredom of day to day survival.
主演:James Allen Natan Barreto 蒂姆·本廷克 Ro
简介:A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury life - and the Redistributors.