主演:约什·劳森 瑞切尔·泰勒 Daniel Henshall Felici
简介:For 27-year-old Ben (Josh Lawson), life couldn’t be better. A well paid job, friends, parties, girls and nothing to tie him down. But when he is invited back to his old school to join several other ex-students including Alex (Rachael Taylor) and Jim (Ed Kavalee) in talking about their personal achievements, something goes wrong. Ben is the only speaker not to be asked a question by the school kids. This triggers a year of soulsearching and looking for answers in all the wrong places. From his best friend Andy (Christian Clark) whose solution is that they both take another holiday, to his mentor Sam (Lachy Hulme) who loans him a sports car in the belief that there’s nothing like excessive speed to resolve emotional turmoil. Not even Ben’s father (Rob Carlton) or friends Nick (Daniel Henshall) and Em (Felicity Ward) can offer much in the way of meaningful guidance. Of course, it’s not easy seeking enlightenment in nightclubs, or on the ski fields of New Zealand, and when you start dating a Russian tennis star things can get really complicated. As the poster boy for a generation desperate to tick every box, Ben begins to suspect that the meaning of life may well reside in the things he's already doing - and a girl he used to know.
主演:山姆·尼尔 Billy Mitchell Roz Hammond
简介:《天线》(The Dish)的制作班子是著名的独立制作影片《城堡》(“The Castle”)的原班人马《碟子》在澳大利亚公映以来,在影评界和观众之间均引起了巨大的反响,打破了票房排行榜,成了澳大利亚电影史上票房收入最高的第5名电影。本片最近还获得了澳大利亚电影协会最佳编剧奖和最佳音乐奖。 《天线》改编自一个真实的故事,反映了1969年7月在为期4天的“阿波罗11号”登月任务中鲜为人知的卫星信号中断事件以及相关人员的感情经历,幽默趣事。同时,本片也反映了澳大利亚在向全世界转播这场历史性的登陆月球事件中所发挥的非同寻常的作用。 在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的一个名叫帕克斯(Parkes)的乡村小镇上,一个足球场大小的庞然大物,重约1000吨的无线电望远镜,悄无声息地座落在一个偏僻的牧羊场上。1969年,美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)准备使用澳大利亚的望远镜----这个南半球功率最大的接收天线,作为其在加利福尼亚州戈德斯通基地主接收天线的备份。但是“阿波罗11号”飞行计划最后一分钟的变故使得戈德斯通基地的望远镜失去了作用,因此澳大利亚人的卫星接收天线----"碟子"----成了美国国家航空和宇宙航行局向全世界转播人类在月球上迈出第一步的唯一希望……