主演:樊尚·埃尔巴兹 艾曼纽·贝阿 切基·卡尤 海诺·费尔希 格雷戈里·德朗
简介:故事发生在17世纪的法国,达达尼昂(樊尚·埃尔巴兹 Vincent Elbaz 饰)是一名心里怀揣着梦想的天真少年,梦想着自己能够成为名扬千里的火枪手只身一人来到巴黎的达达尼昂,在一场意外之中结识了三名真正的火枪手阿托斯(海诺·弗兹 Heino Ferch 饰)、波托斯(格莱高利·嘉德波瓦 Grégory Gadebois 饰)和阿拉米斯(格雷戈里·德朗杰尔 Grégori Derangère 饰),四人很快就结下了坚实的友谊。之后,达达尼昂还邂逅了王后的闺蜜,温柔美丽的康丝坦斯(戴安娜·阿姆夫特 Diana Amft 饰),他瞬间就坠入了爱河。 王后在暗地里和白金汉公爵保持着情人的关系,在一次误打误撞之中,她将国王送给自己的项链转赠给了情人,这下可急坏了王后。
主演:Jasmine Thiré Michel Jeannès Jacky
简介:Appropriately, her own 14th arrondissement (specifically Rue Daguerre) is a source of pleasure for the protagonist (Jasmine Thiré) and viewer, having been photographed carefully, beautifully, and lovingly. The first word that this all brought to mind way “playful,” and I’m pleased that my simple descriptor is something Varda would consider appropriate. Says her, “It’s playing a game with reality. The game is called cinema.”
主演:Serge Renko 卡特琳娜迪达斯卡鲁 谢丽埃勒·克莱尔 阿曼达·
简介:以上世纪西班牙內战为背景的政治惊悚片,前沙皇将军菲欧多带着妻子移居巴黎后,过着神秘的生活,在公产主义者受到压制的法国,菲欧多却公开声称自己的真实身份是间谍,而且是个三重间谍,同时服务于俄国的白军和红军,甚至德国的纳粹军。 1936年的欧洲,正值西班牙内战时期。身为前任沙皇军队将军的费欧多携着他年轻的希腊妻子阿茜诺一同移居巴黎。法国人对战争漠不关心,只管取笑西班牙人。阿茜诺同情她的共产主义邻居,费欧多的态度却很暧昧,他频繁地外出,谁也不知道 他去了哪里,做了什么,他还公开宣称自己是间谍。他究竟是为谁工作的?他是忠于沙皇的白军?红军间谍?纳粹分子?还是个三重间谍?
主演:西恩·潘 尼克·诺特 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 比利·鲍伯·松顿 丽芙·泰勒 华
简介:曾是网球选手的博比(西恩•潘 Sean Penn 饰)最近霉运缠身,先是欠下赌债被债主砍去手指,继而在前往拉斯维加斯还债途中汽车竟然在一个偏僻的小镇苏必略抛锚了。然而,倒霉透顶的博比怎么也没有想到,他的恶运其实刚刚开始。 在苏必略,博比先是被修车工敲诈,强行扣下了他的车;然后,他在商店又遭到了抢劫,最后,万分郁闷的他甚至在酒吧喝闷酒都被一个不明所以的青年纠缠,硬是说他和自己女友有染,两人甚至大打出手。就在此时,博比遇到了一位神秘美女格雷斯(詹妮弗•洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez 饰)。当他们正在进行好事时,撞见了格雷斯的丈夫杰克。出人意料的是,杰克竟然要求博比干掉格雷斯!怪事一桩接一桩,完全摸不着头脑的博比最终何去何从?
主演:帕特里克·迪瓦尔 阿里尔·贝西 莫里斯·罗内 杰纳维夫·马尼奇 莫里斯
简介:对于音乐家雷米(帕特里克·迪瓦尔 Patrick Dewaere 饰)来说,日子变得越来越不好过,不仅仅是职业上的停滞不前,妻子一成不变的容颜和乏味的婚姻生活也让他几近抓狂。就在这个节骨眼上,妻子车祸身亡的消息让雷米感到震惊却又有一丝解脱,而妻子留下的14岁的继女玛丽安(阿里尔·贝西 Ariel Besse 饰)也成为了一个包袱。 玛丽安的生父想夺回玛丽安的抚养权,没想到,小小的玛丽安却更愿意和继父生活在一起。同一屋檐下,这对没有血缘关系的“父女”之间的情感变得朦胧而又暧昧。对于玛丽安的火热表白,雷米从最初的果断拒绝到之后的欲拒还迎,他能否守住伦理道德的最后一条底线呢?
主演:帕斯卡尔·普缇 安德丽·帕里西 雅克·夏里尔 洛朗·特兹弗 让-保罗·
简介:Middle class student Bob Letellier enters a new world when he meets Alain, a free-thinking rebel who, along with his group of young Parisians, has opted for a life of instant gratification instead of work and commitment. At a party, Bob meets a young woman, Mic, who appears to be just as carefree and cynical as Alain. Mic's only dream is to own a luxury car, and with Bob's help, she manages to find the money to but it. Mic's friend Clo discovers she is pregnant and, not knowing who the father is, she asks Bob to marry her. When they next meet at a party, Bob and Mic deny that they have any feelings for one another - a declaration that soon leads to tragedy... Marcel Carné is widely regarded as one of the standard bearers of French quality cinema of the 1930s and 1940s, responsible for such masterpieces as Quai des brumes (1938) and Les Enfants du Paradis (1945). How ironic then that, in 1958, towards the end of his film-making career, he should make a film which dared to portray the attitudes and behaviour of the 1950s youth, in a way that effectively captures the mood and sentiment of the time. Les Tricheurs was a hugely controversial film, not least because of its blatant depiction of adolescent free-love, and was even banned in some regions of France. It also received some intensely unfavourable reviews, most notably from the young hotheads on the Cahiers du cinéma such as François Truffaut who cited this film as a prime example of the decline of French cinema into mediocrity. In spite of all this negative press, the film proved to be an astonishing commercial success, attracting five million cinema-goers, and was awarded the Grand Prix du Cinéma français in 1958. Whilst Les Tricheurs is not as flawless as Carné's earlier masterpieces, it is nonetheless a significant work, having the power to both shock and move its audience, whilst having great entertainment value. It evokes the mood of its time in a way that few French films of this period did, depicting young people as pleasure-seeking rebels, rejecting the austerity and discipline of the previous generation whilst pursuing a life without cares, responsibilities or love. Similarities with James Dean's films of the 1950s (most notably Rebel without a Cause) are apparent, although Carné's treatment of young people is far more abstract - in his film they merely symbolise a world that has lost its way, more or less victims of post-war prosperity. Although the young people in Les Tricheurs lack the authenticity to be totally credible, the film does make an important, and indeed quite disturbing point, about where the permissive society may be heading. Much of the pleasure of the film is in the performances from its four lead actors, Jacques Charrier, Pascale Petit, Laurent Terzieff and Andréa Parisy, although only Terzieff is really convincing in his role. Marcel Carné originally considered Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo for the parts of Bob and Alain respectively, before opting for Charrier and Terzieff. As a consolation, Carné offered Belmondo a smaller part in the film - alas too small for the actor to be noticed by the public. Belmondo's breakthrough had to wait until the following year when he starred in Jean-Luc Godard's revolutionary A bout de souffle, a film which offers a very different perspective of the youth generation.