简介:Unfairly written off as an attempt to replicate the cult hysteria of The Fast Show, Big Train dared to push the boundaries of a genre (the comedy sketch show) which thought it had seen it all. No, not all of it worked, but the same was true of Python, Vic&Bob and all the other groundbreakers. When it did - the manager who distracted his mutinous staff with juggling displays, the Jekyll & Hyde-type scientist, the staring competitions, Mao Tse-Tung as Bryan Ferry, it was painfully, inexplicably funny. Stick with it.
简介:Berlinger is the sorty of two men who grow up together in pre-war Germany; when Roeder's parents die, Berlinger's father takes the orphanedboy under his care. As the two boys approach adulthood, their contraddictory temperaments lead them along different paths: the idealistic young Berlinger, a brilliant chemist, refuses to give his father's factoy over to the Nazi war effort, much to the dismay of his friend Roeder, who has been managing the plant for him and has joined the Nazi party. Depsite the pressure Roeder puts on Berlinger to accede, such as threatening the lives of Berlinger's wife and child, nothing can coerce the staunch individualist to douse his spirit, and he takes his only recourseby escaping to Latin America and leaving his wife and child behind. Thirty years later Berlinger returns, still the stubborn ninconformist, mad about fying and filled with dreams of building a fleet of zeppelins in the now ramshackle factory. Roeder too is unchanged with an austerity similar to the skyscraper offcie from which he manages his company. Once more the ambitions of the two men clash: Roeder depends on Berlinger to sell his land in order to successfully conclude his property development schemes.
主演:阿什利·詹森 马丁·弗瑞曼 杰森·沃特金斯 马克·伍顿
简介:又是一年圣诞季,圣公会主学堂小学老师保罗·麦盾(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman饰)正被一场圣诞回顾秀而弄得焦头烂额原因很简单,只因为他在众人面前夸下海口,许诺要给小镇带来一场最好的回顾秀,更大肆吹嘘他的前女友詹尼弗(阿什丽·詹森 Ashley Jensen饰),将以好莱坞制片人的身份把这次圣诞节目表演变成一部电影。可就当保罗因此成为镇上的焦点人物时,来自所有父母和孩子们的期许以及众人希望借此机会大赚一笔的压力,都使保罗进退两难。唯一的希望只能靠几年没联系的詹尼弗联系好莱坞来到小镇,才能一尝众人所愿。