主演:凯拉·奈特莉 多米尼克·威斯特 埃莉诺·汤姆林森 费奥纳·肖
简介:凯拉·奈特莉(Keira Knightley)将在新片《柯莱特》(Colette)中扮演法国女作家茜多妮·加布里埃尔·柯莱特(Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette),这位作家曾写过《琪琪》(Gigi)等小说,其人生也充满传奇茜多妮·加布里埃尔·柯莱特1873年出生,曾获得过诺贝尔文学奖提名。她最擅长写爱情小说,1944年的《琪琪》是其最知名的作品,1958年被好莱坞改编成歌舞片《金粉世界》,还获得了奥斯卡最佳影片。此外她的另一部小说《谢莉》(Chéri)在2009年也被史蒂芬·弗瑞尔斯(Stephen Frears)改编成电影,由米歇尔·菲佛(Michelle Pfeiffer)主演。茜多妮·柯莱特的个人生活很曲折,曾和一个比她大十四岁的男人结婚,多次与人同居。在她那个年代,女作家地位很低,而她还是双性恋,在保守的社会风气下,她的磨难可想而知。《柯莱特》计划今年五月份开拍,影片将聚焦柯莱特的年轻时代。
主演:EleanorTomlinson FinnAtkins Christo
简介:Our focus here is on attractive couple George (Rafe Spall) and Amy (Eleanor Tomlinson). Newly arrived in Woking, the London Evening Gazette journalist and amateur scientist hope their new surroundings will help them find peace. Georges decision to leave a loveless marriage with his cousin Lucy for the educated Amy has seen him shunned by polite society and estranged from his family. Even his formerly close brother, Frederick (Rupert Graves), a government official, now has no time for his sibling. This is a selfish, cruel pursuit that cannot help but bring forth the most unpleasant consequences, he hisses. However, when six trawlers mysteriously disappear off the coast of Hull, its clear they are all facing far bigger problems. At first, the British government blame the Russian navy, but then meteorites begin landing around the countryside. One of them blazes a trail through Horsell Common, arousing the interest of both Amy and local astronomer Ogilvy (Robert Carlyle). As locals begin gathering to gawk at the space debris, something strange begins to unfold. The meteorite rises, emitting a heat ray that kills everyone it touches. Naturally, panic ensues and the governments initial attempts to downplay the event quickly fall away as more and more reports of similar incidents across the land come in. It is though, only the beginning.
简介:Writer Debbie Horsfield has confirmed that her final series will follow the lives of the Poldarks and the Warleggans in the ten-year period between the events of books seven and book eight The Stranger from the Sea. It is a new century and with it comes the promise of a hopeful future, but the past casts a long shadow over Cornwall. Following the death of Elizabeth, Ross Poldark (Aidan Turner) resolves to put Westminster behind him and spend more time with the people he loves. However, when an old friend emerges with a plea for help, Ross is compelled to challenge the establishment again. As the Enyses (Luke Norris and Gabriella Wilde) rally to join the cause, Demelza (Eleanor Tomlinson) must contend with dangers close to home, while George (Jack Farthing) courts corrupt powers whose influence spans the Empire.
主演:埃莉诺·汤姆林森 拉菲·斯波 鲁珀特·格雷夫斯 罗伯特·卡莱尔 弗莱娅
简介:Our focus here is on attractive couple George (Rafe Spall) and Amy (Eleanor Tomlinson). Newly arrived in Woking, the London Evening Gazette journalist and amateur scientist hope their new surroundings will help them find peace. George's decision to leave a loveless marriage with his cousin Lucy for the educated Amy has seen him shunned by polite society and estranged from his family. Even his formerly close brother, Frederick (Rupert Graves), a government official, now has no time for his sibling. "This is a selfish, cruel pursuit that cannot help but bring forth the most unpleasant consequences," he hisses. However, when six trawlers mysteriously disappear off the coast of Hull, it's clear they are all facing far bigger problems. At first, the British government blame the Russian navy, but then "meteorites" begin landing around the countryside. One of them blazes a trail through Horsell Common, arousing the interest of both Amy and local astronomer Ogilvy (Robert Carlyle). As locals begin gathering to gawk at the space debris, something strange begins to unfold. The meteorite rises, emitting a heat ray that kills everyone it touches. Naturally, panic ensues and the government's initial attempts to downplay the event quickly fall away as more and more reports of similar incidents across the land come in. It is though, only the beginning.