主演:查理·帕尔默·罗斯韦尔 罗珊娜·马奎达 Laetitia Chambo
简介:卢卡斯和克洛伊是两个充满激情的游戏玩家当他们听说偏执狂,一个极端排外的逃跑游戏,他们不禁参与。当他们成功解开第一个谜题后,大结局的地点就揭晓了:在可怕的森林中,一所废弃的精神病院。当他们到达时,还有另外四个参与者。与时间赛跑开始了。他们开始寻找离开疯人院的路,但很快他们意识到这是一场生死攸关的游戏。其中一个必须死。这部黑暗的心理惊悚片改编自畅销书《谜题》(Puzzle),作者是弗兰克·蒂利兹(Franck Thilliez)。《戏与死》是雅克·克鲁格的第一部故事片,他也写了剧本。这部电影是在比利时拍摄的,但演员来自世界各地。卢卡斯由查理·帕尔默·罗斯威尔饰演,他因《敦刻尔克》、《黑暗时刻》和《传奇》而闻名。克洛伊的扮演者罗克珊·梅斯奎达(Roxane Mesquida)是BIFFF的常客,在《橡皮》(RUBBER)和《燃烧的影子》(BURNING SHADOW)等影片中都有出演。还想冒险进入密室?
简介:Lucas and Chloe are two passionate gamers. When they hear about Paranoia, an extremely exclusive escape game, they can’t help themselves but participate. After they manage to solve the first riddle, the location of the finale is revealed: a deserted psychiatric hospital in the middle of a terrifying forest. When they arrive, there are four other participants. A race against the clock begins. They start searching their way out of the asylum, but soon they realize that it’s a game of life and death. One of them must die. Based on the bestseller Puzzle by Franck Thilliez, this dark psychological thriller grabs you by the throat. PLAY OR DIE is first feature by Jacques Kluger, who also wrote the screenplay. The film was shot in Belgium but has an international cast. Lucas is played by Charley Palmer Rothwell, known for DUNKIRK, DARKEST HOUR, and LEGEND. Roxane Mesquida, who interprets Chloe, is a BIFFF regular, seen in in films like RUBBER and BURNING SHADOW. Still willing to venture into an escape room?