主演:: 蒂莫西·休斯 埃里克·尼尔森 杰拉德·迈克库劳奇 罗莎·阿雷唐多
简介:Every 25 years, it begins. Bound to an ancient pact, a family of unlimited power descend upon a small rural town to sacrifice 4 human lives, one being a member of their own family. The ritual starts with the rape of a local girl, 18 year old Kerry. Finding herself pregnant, she realizes her unborn baby is the target of a sinister plot. As the months pass and people around her begin to turn up dead, she desperately searches for a way out of this unthinkable situation. The family must perform this ritual to maintain their power or die. In charge of carrying out each sacrifice as his initiation is David, a young man conflicted with his destiny. He unexpectedly begins to fall for Kerry, which weighs on his conscience as they get closer to the final sacrifice. What starts off as a thriller soon descends into the realm of horror as occult rituals and ancient pacts take hold of one girls life, binding her to a fate she cannot possibly fathom. ROSEMARYS BABY meets DRAG ME TO HELL in this twisted and dark look into the occult and how far the human spirit can take one soul in its most desperate hour. Layered with plot twists and conflicted characters, BLOODLINE follows six people as they carry out their destiny to their ultimate horror.
主演:杰·海德 博伊德·肯斯特纳 科林顿·佩恩 劳伦·康普顿 塔拉·维斯特
简介:A demonic creature not of this world impregnates a woman. 160 years later a team of ghost hunters must set aside their quick buck party mentality when they discover one of their team is the offspring of the entity haunting the place - and its true target. The offspring and her friends become uneasy allies with the ghost of the mother to destroy the demon and restore harmony.
主演:内森·琼斯 比尔·莫斯利 约翰·贾瑞特 史提夫·比斯利 Roger
简介:In the harsh, yet beautiful Australian outback lives a beast, an animal of staggering size, with a ruthless, driving need for blood and destruction. It cares for none, defends its territory with brutal force, and kills with a raw, animalistic savagery unlike any have seen before.
主演:伊恩·麦柯肖恩 蒂莫西·奥利芬特 莫莉·帕克 布拉德·道里夫 W·厄尔
简介:黎明破晓的荒芜之地,这个野蛮人和逃犯聚居的地方在1877年的春天发生了很多改变。许多新移民的到达和逐渐完善的管理使这个原来的难民营变成一个勃勃生机的市镇。与此同时,犯罪的气息逐渐弥漫,金钱和欲望驱使着这里的人们,而这一切,就是Deadwood meijubar.net的奇妙之处... 故事描述美国历史上著名的淘金潮,一个抢夺和贪欲的年代,故事把重心集中在美国边界城镇和那在它的非法边界中存在的无情力量的竞争。 这个城镇是违法的殖民, 一个暴力的和未开化的前哨,吸引个性的五彩缤纷的人排列前往 - 从被剥夺法律保护的人和企业家到前任军人和敲诈者,华人劳动者,男娼。在这些人身上发生的故事也光怪陆离,一如这罪恶的小镇。 《死木》虽然是近代的西部淘金热题材,但可以肯定的是,它不会“节约”情色内容以及暴力粗口——大多数场景都设在一座妓院,内容多涉毒品及犯罪。由《纽约重案组》(NYPD Blue)制作人大卫·米奇担纲,讲述美国法治与资本主义诞生的剧集。剧名来源于南达科达州Deadwood城,一个终于在1989年赌博合法化的地方。 在刚刚揭晓的62届金球奖中,Timothy Olyphant夺得最佳男主角。
主演:塔姆辛·格雷格 菲利普·格伦尼斯特 爱丽丝·伊芙 哈丽特·瓦尔特 艾拉
简介:BELGRAVIA is the story of a secret. A secret that unravels behind the porticoed doors of London’s grandest postcode. The story behind the secret will be revealed in weekly bite-sized instalments complete with twists and turns and cliff-hanger endings that will be delivered directly to your mobile, tablet or desktop via a brand new app. You can read it, or listen to it, or jump between the two. Set in the 1840s when the upper echelons of society began to rub shoulders with the emerging industrial nouveau riche, Belgravia is peopled by a rich cast of characters. But the story begins on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. At the Duchess of Richmond’s now legendary ball, one family’s life will change for ever . . .