主演:丽兹·卡潘 杰西卡·卢卡斯 T·J·米勒 迈克尔·斯塔尔·大卫
简介:好友罗布(迈克尔•斯达-大卫 Michael Stahl-David 饰)要去日本工作,他的弟弟杰森(迈克•沃格尔 Mike Vogel 饰)和朋友莉莉(杰西卡•卢卡斯 Jessica Lucas 饰)为他举办了一场欢送派对看到杰森拎着DV只顾拍摄美女玛莲娜(丽兹•卡潘 Lizzy Caplan 饰),莉莉很恼火,指出他更加关注罗布,因为后者才是今天的主角。罗布姗姗来迟,并且感到没落。原来他跟好友贝丝(奥黛塔•雅丝曼 Odette Yustman 饰)的地下情刚刚告吹,这令他异常沮丧。正在此时,贝丝携新男友出现在派对现场,这令好友感到既尴尬又愤怒,而真正的地震危险正在悄悄逼近……本片故事是采用伪DV风格的拍摄而成。
主演:耶日·斯图尔 克里斯提娜·杨达 卡里娜·谢鲁斯克 马里乌什·德莫霍夫斯
简介:Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the Ark to arrive and rescue them while their habitat falls apart. Delving deep into the dusty and long abandonded vaults of b-cinema in search of lost gems always leaves me with a bittersweet taste. On one hand the discovery of unexpected gems where no one would think them possible is a rewarding experience. On the other hand though it makes one wonder how many of these remarkable low-budget oddities, personal love affairs of directors never quite famous and now all but forgotten, have almost forever slipped from memory n any case what we have here is a little post-apocalyptic gem from Poland that is really better than it has any right to. The dystopian near future of O-BI, O-BA finds a group of survivors of the nuclear war that ravaged the Earth inhabiting an underworld concrete bunker and biding their time as they wait for the mysterious Ark, an air ship of some kind that will come and save them. The Ark proves to be an elaborate hoax, carefully designed to give hope to the malnourished and desperate denizens of the bunker, while in the meantime the dome that separates their miserable existence from the nuclear winter outside is slowly caving in. What first striked me about the movie is the design of the bunker and the depiction of the survivors. The survivors are gaunt, filthy and terrible-looking penitents, dressed in rags and aimlessly wandering the neon-lit halls of the bunker like automatons. The bunker is a rundown, seedy place, with bright neon lights peering from all sides like the eyes of malignant beasts. On one hand it is a slightly 80's depiction of the dystopian future but the movie never stoops down to MAD MAX cheese. Instead it combines biting political satire with the bleak outlook of a world with no future, black comedy with barbs on apathy, religion and power. The survivors, for example, are fed some kind of flour dropping from a tube that hovers in the air - later on we discover the food supervisor uses books and the Bible itself as filler for this meagre meal. There are many such short symbolic touches, perhaps not life-changing or faith-restoring, yet playful, clever and inspired. One thing is for sure; O-BI, O-BA is not your run-of-the-mill sci-fi schlock. It overcomes its modest budget with creativity and has genuine artistic aspirations both from a writing and directing perspective. My opinion is that it should have been filmed in black and white instead of colour though. The director uses atmospheric light and shadow to great effect and it would have registered even better in stark black and white. The blue-green neon on the other hand outstays its welcome after a while. Just a minor gripe in an otherwise solid b-movie with its heart set in all the right places. Imagine a less bleak THE ROAD (Cormac McCarthy) being injected with the satire and humour of DR.STRANGELOVE and you're getting there. See it if you can find it.
主演:克里斯·帕拉特 佐伊·索尔达娜 布莱德利·库珀 范·迪塞尔 戴夫·巴蒂
简介:彼得·奎尔(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)是一名从小被劫持到外太空的地球人,在义父勇度(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)的培养下成了一个终极混混,自称“星爵”。一次行动中他偷了一块神秘球体,便成为了赏金猎人火箭浣熊(布莱德利·库珀 B radl ey Cooper 配音)、树人格鲁特(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 配音)的绑架目标,而神秘的卡魔拉(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)也对神秘球体势在必得。经过笑料百出的坎坷遭遇,星爵被迫和这三人,以及复仇心切的“毁灭者”德拉克斯(戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 Dave Batista 饰)组成小分队逃避“指控者”罗南(李·佩斯 Lee Pace 饰)的追杀。然而这个神秘球体拥有无穷的力量,小分队必须团结一致对付罗南,才有可能解救整个银河系,银河护卫队由此诞生。
简介: 火箭浣熊(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)偷走了大祭司阿耶莎(伊丽莎白·德比齐 Elizabeth Debicki 饰)的能量电池,包括星爵(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)、卡魔拉(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)、德拉克斯(戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 Dave Bautista 饰)在内的一行人遭到了后者派出的舰队的袭击。一个神秘人物乘坐着飞船救下了银河护卫队的众人,而驾驶着飞船的不是别人,竟然正是星爵的亲生父亲伊戈(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)。 在伊戈的带领下,星爵、卡魔拉和德拉克斯来到了由伊戈一手制造的星球上,而剩下的成员们则着手修复损坏的飞船。那边厢,阿耶莎委托勇度(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)抓住星爵替自己报仇,而卡魔拉亦渐渐发现了伊戈和善面目下隐藏的巨大阴谋。
主演:安德烈·瑟韦林 杰吉·特雷拉 格拉齐娜·迪拉格 瓦尔德马·科纳克基 伊
简介:改编自叔叔杰西·祖拉斯基(Jerzy Zulawski)的科幻小说杰作《月球三部曲》,故事描述人类逃离毁灭的地球,飞船坠落在银色星球上,不久后有人开始在星球上进行造神运动,然信徒分化后一派奉此外来政权为神,另一派则视之为魔,人性贪婪的劣根性,在这星球上暴露的一览无遗…… 本片被誉为是“一部拍给另一个世界的人看的电影”。影评人一致推崇这部片是导演安德烈·祖拉斯基电影生涯中,最具史观、野心勃勃且兼具后现代主义的科幻哲思电影,也是他重回故乡波兰拍摄的归乡代表作。 这部充满争议的杰作,安德烈以非常风格化又带着原始情欲的方式,传达其所钟爱的命题:一则后现代主义式的寓言。故事的结局,地球人不但改变原本的内在,连外在也慢慢变成介于人与鸟的中间物种。这种由内而外,进而转化成另一物种的隐喻,也为这部犹如政治寓言的科幻史诗,更添加了奇幻色彩。 1977年当影片拍好八成时...
主演:埃迪·康斯坦丁 安娜·卡里娜 阿基姆·坦米罗夫 让-皮埃尔·利奥德 克
简介:这是一座死寂冰冷的未来都市,一座无爱无情的“死城”。一切都必须遵循一台名为“阿尔法60”超级计算机统治下的“逻辑”,若有违反者,都会被枪决。生活在这里的人们表情木讷,生活思维受到严格的控制,丧失了一切人性本该拥有的喜怒哀乐。 来自另外世界的密探雷米·柯雄(埃迪·康斯坦丁 Eddie Constantine饰)开始了对阿尔法城的探索,他的主要目的就是将这座城市的设计者万布翰博士(霍华德·沃侬 Howard Vernon饰)带回自己的世界。在探访的过程中,他结识了万布翰博士的女儿娜达莎(安娜·卡里娜 Anna Karina饰),两人相爱了。然而娜达莎仍然没有能够完全摆脱“阿尔伐60”的控制,约翰也被逮捕了,判为死刑。