简介:The hit British series that combines glorious gardens with classic whodunits Stunning gardens provide the backdrop for this hit British mystery series starring Felicity Kendal (Good Neighbors, The Camomile Lawn) as Rosemary Boxer and Pam Ferris (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Matilda) as Laura Thyme, professional gardeners and amateur sleuths. From their former careers as a university plant biologist and a police officer, Rosemary and Laura bring unique investigative talents to their horticultural and human mysteries. Locations featured in the series include manor houses in the English countryside; London"s Kew Gardens and Regent"s Park; the French Riviera and Italy"s Ligurian coast; a Surrey vineyard and the hills of Málaga, Spain. Guest stars include Anthony Andrews, Oliver Ford Davies, Phyllida Law, Julian Wadham, Margaret Tyzack and Michael Maloney. Great fun for mystery fans and green thumbs alike! As seen on public television. DVD SPECIAL FEATURES INCLUDE an interview with Felicity Kendal and Pam Ferris, production notes, location notes, photo galleries, cast filmographies, and a trivia quiz.
简介:The hit British series that combines glorious gardens with classic whodunits Stunning gardens provide the backdrop for this hit British mystery series starring Felicity Kendal (Good Neighbors, The Camomile Lawn) as Rosemary Boxer and Pam Ferris (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Matilda) as Laura Thyme, professional gardeners and amateur sleuths. From their former careers as a university plant biologist and a police officer, Rosemary and Laura bring unique investigative talents to their horticultural and human mysteries. Locations featured in the series include manor houses in the English countryside; London"s Kew Gardens and Regent"s Park; the French Riviera and Italy"s Ligurian coast; a Surrey vineyard and the hills of Málaga, Spain. Guest stars include Anthony Andrews, Oliver Ford Davies, Phyllida Law, Julian Wadham, Margaret Tyzack and Michael Maloney. Great fun for mystery fans and green thumbs alike! As seen on public television. DVD SPECIAL FEATURES INCLUDE an interview with Felicity Kendal and Pam Ferris, production notes, location notes, photo galleries, cast filmographies, and a trivia quiz.
主演:Emerald Fennell 帕姆·费里斯 米兰达·哈特 劳拉·美恩
简介:Barbara Gilbert刚获得助产士资格到Nonnatus修道院上班她急于证明自己的能力,可一次深夜酒会上她却出了糗。出师不利,她万分沮丧。不过后来,一位新晋妈妈在喂养小孩时遇到了困难,Barbara想到了一个巧妙的方案,赢得了所有同事的尊敬。有一家人,由于家里的孩子们严重疏于照看,身体状况每况愈下,这一病例让Trixie费了不少心,是她当助产士以来最劳心的一次。看到自己心爱的女人竭力帮助孩子们恢复身体健康,让孩子们的生活充满欢乐,Tom对Trixie钦佩不已。 Shelagh发现,手术室和家里都非常需要她,为了调和两者之间的关系,Turner一家达成了家庭协议,这一协议突破了20世纪50年代的固有家庭模式。
主演:杰西卡·雷恩 瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 布瑞恩尼汉娜 海伦·乔治 珍妮·艾加
简介:The drama by Heidi? Thomas (Heidi Thomas) is based on the best-selling Jennifer Voss (Jennifer? Worth) memoirs adapted. The ratings all the way Changhong BBC's most successful drama will be extended to 8 sets. In the first quarter of the much loved characters will all return to play, in addition also adds some new characters. Nonnatus House for the audience to open a door to door in the east end of London back in twentieth Century 50 time, and the story will still be about poplar that particular group of midwives and nursing nuns expansion.
主演:杰西卡·雷恩 帕姆·费里斯 米兰达·哈特 珍妮·艾加特 瓦妮莎·雷德格
导演:Philippa Lowthorpe Jamie Payne
简介:珍妮(杰西卡·瑞恩 Jessica Raine 饰)是一名初出茅庐的年轻护士,怀揣着对未来和职业的美好幻想,她千里迢迢来到了自己未来的工作地点,让珍妮没有想到的是,到达目的地后,展现在她眼前的,竟然是一间修道院小小的诧异只维持了短短的一会儿,很快,在依文洁琳修女(帕姆·费里斯 Pam Ferris 饰)和莫妮卡修女(朱迪·帕瑞福特 Judy Parfitt 饰)的帮助和陪伴之下,珍妮很快就熟悉了工作环境和新的生活。随着时间的推移,珍妮即将迎来自己入职以来的第一个挑战——一名因为摔倒而导致了早产的女子,珍妮能够完成如此艰巨的任务吗?她在修道院里又会遇见怎样的人和事呢?
简介:The hit British series that combines glorious gardens with classic whodunits Stunning gardens provide the backdrop for this hit British mystery series starring Felicity Kendal (Good Neighbors, The Camomile Lawn) as Rosemary Boxer and Pam Ferris (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Matilda) as Laura Thyme, professional gardeners and amateur sleuths. From their former careers as a university plant biologist and a police officer, Rosemary and Laura bring unique investigative talents to their horticultural and human mysteries. Locations featured in the series include manor houses in the English countryside; London's Kew Gardens and Regent's Park; the French Riviera and Italy's Ligurian coast; a Surrey vineyard and the hills of Málaga, Spain. Guest stars include Anthony Andrews, Oliver Ford Davies, Phyllida Law, Julian Wadham, Margaret Tyzack and Michael Maloney. Great fun for mystery fans and green thumbs alike! As seen on public television. DVD SPECIAL FEATURES INCLUDE an interview with Felicity Kendal and Pam Ferris, production notes, location notes, photo galleries, cast filmographies, and a trivia quiz.