简介:"The Tuner" is Muratova"s brilliant portrayal of a sick society on the verge of complete moral collapse. Her protagonists are the little people so removed from reality that at times they seem unrealistic, invented, and their actions unmotivated. In the end, their weakness and crushing defeat by the petty con artist gives them moral power that vindicates their social marginality. Their quirkiness, their refusal to live by the rules, or, as in the last scene, to accept their own defeat even when their very survival is at stake, becomes, paradoxically, the last hope for humanity. Against the context of the Orange revolution, "The Tuner" becomes Kira Muratova"s prophetic vision of the return of human dignity in her home country.
主演:吉娜维芙·汉内柳斯 弗朗西斯卡·卡帕尔迪 布莱克·迈克尔 贝斯·利特福
简介:Avery Jennings (G. Hannelius) and Tyler James (Lemonade Mouth star Blake Michael) are step-siblings from Pasadena, California who hate each other but come together in the pilot episode. The family faces an even bigger adjustment when they discover that their new dog, Stan (portrayed by live-action dogs Kuma and Mick, and voiced by Stephen Full), can talk. Only Avery, Chloe (Francesca Capaldi), and Tyler know he can talk. Unbeknownst to the family, Stan also has a blog, which he uses to discuss the happenings in the Jennings-James household. The children learn of Stan's talking ability in the first episode and agree to keep it a secret from their parents, fearing that if the world finds out that Stan can talk, he will be taken away and experimented on.[2] In "Stan Talks to Gran" Bennett's mother Grandma James learns Stan can talk, but promises the kids to keep it a secret.
主演:萨尔玛·海耶克 科洛·塞维尼 约翰·利特高 康妮·布里登
简介:《晚宴上的比特丽兹》讲述了生活在加州的墨西哥裔移民比特丽兹的故事她出生在墨西哥,移民美国后,从最低层的的工作做起,学了按摩这一技之长,成为专业按摩师。比特丽兹有个长期的客户,待她如家人的贵妇凯西,她们的私人情谊源自比特丽兹对病后恢复期中的凯西女儿无微不至的照料,然而,社会地位和生活经验的巨大差异使她们之间横亘着一条看不见却危险丛生的鸿沟。一日,按摩结束后,因车辆出现故障,比特丽兹只得留宿凯西家,恰巧当晚有一场晚宴。这顿饭并不简单,是凯西一家与生意伙伴间的社交平台,它满足了人们对奢华浮夸、空洞虚假的聚会的一切幻想。这般环境下令比特丽兹感到别扭和不自在,愤怒在得知其中一位来宾是她的“仇人”时彻底爆发,当年开发的虚假工程把居民世代生活的土地夺走,致使许多人失业、流离失所。然而,复仇的种子没有生根发芽,反而是被海水淹没,与比特丽兹疲惫的身躯一道消失在茫茫大海中。影片最感人的莫过于对人性与良心的叩问,比特丽兹坚信人类应该以真诚温暖的心尊敬生命、关爱世界。作为素食主义者,她为动物权利贡献着自己微薄的力量,被他人伤害的经历不曾真正摧毁她对人性本善的信心。然而,当商业巨亨洋洋自得地炫耀着捕猎的快感、对工人的苦难不以为然、对富足的物质生活顶礼膜拜时,比特丽兹的善良显得无力而渺小。饭桌上谈及非法移民时轻蔑的语气更是与美国当前的政治局势息息相关,比特丽兹的挣扎与痛苦不只属于她自己,还属于千千万万前途未卜的弱势个体。所幸的是, 影片的结局并不是深夜孤寂的大海,而是重回那条恬静而安详的小河,一叶轻舟沐浴在金色的阳光下,远方有闪烁的希望,就朝着那个方向划去。即使我们都知道,映后的掌声里,装载的更多是失望与无奈,但结尾的这份乐观,持续不断地呼吁坚强与勇敢,毕竟,绝望与愤怒之间还有很多别的选择。