首页»欧美剧 » 交错人生 » 第5集
类型:欧美 地区:其它 年份:2021 
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  Allegra dreams of being part of the Eleven OClock musical theater company and becoming the star of Freaky Friday, a play that consecrated her grandmother years ago. Grandmother Cocó is a living legend in the world of musical comedy and has a complicated relationship with her daughter Caterina, Allegras mother. Allegras life is completely altered when she finds a mysterious bracelet in her home that sends her back to 1994, the year Caterina was her age and took her first steps in Eleven OClock while living in the shadow of Cocó, a star. at the peak of his career. By learning about her mother and grandmothers past, Allegra will not only help heal the wounds and bring the family together, but she will also discover that while the past cannot be changed, there is a lot to learn from it.
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    Kyla Harris,达伦·博伊德,埃琳娜·沙雷,莎莉·菲利普斯,休·科尔斯,阿西娅·沙阿

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    菲拉·维塔拉,劳瑞·提卡宁,Eero Ahre,Joonatan Ahre,Sergei Aksela,Alex Anton,Raimo Gr?nberg,Antti Honka,Rosa Honkonen,Suvi-Pilvi Inkeroinen,Satu J?ntti,Satu Tuuli Karhu,Tenho Kellokangas,卡里·凯托宁,维拉·基斯基宁,玛拉·毛米瓦拉,Ville Myllyrinne,Rein Oja,Irina Pulkka,Carl-Kristian Rundma

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