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类型:剧情 地区:澳大利亚 年份:2019 
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脉轮是14岁,过着精疲力竭的生活。他、他的父母和他的许多兄弟姐妹都在柬埔寨的稻田里一起工作。晚饭时,他们围坐在小木屋里的木桌旁,父子之间总是意见分歧。当一个朋友告诉查克拉在工厂赚钱的可能性时,这个男孩决定自己出发。但在途中,他落入了贩运人口的魔掌,被贩卖为奴隶。在他现在必须工作的泰国渔船上,船长的政权既残忍又武断。暴力、酷刑甚至谋杀都是当今社会的当务之急。脉轮意识到他唯一的希望就是摆脱折磨他的人。 罗德·拉什金的第一部故事片是一部残酷而现实的描述柬埔寨强迫劳工处境的电影。这位澳大利亚导演的方法远远不够漂亮,无人能幸免。他的扣人心弦的电影是一个对社会不公正的激情见证,同时也是一个关于一个被考验人性的男孩的令人感动和震惊的成年故事。 Chakra is 14 and leads an exhausting life. He, his parents and his many siblings all work together in the rice fields of Cambodia. At dinner, they crowd around the wooden table in their small hut, and there are always differences of opinion between father and son. When a friend tells Chakra about the possibility of earning money in a factory, the boy decides to set off on his own. But on the way, he falls into the clutches of human traffickers and is sold into slave labour. On the Thai fishing boat where he now has to work, the captain’s regime is both cruel and arbitrary. Violence, torture and even murder are the order of the day. Chakra realises that his only hope is to get rid of his tormentors. Rodd Rathjen’s first feature film is a brutal yet realistic depiction of the situation for Cambodian forced labourers. This Australian director’s approach is far from pretty and spares no-one. His gripping film is a passionate testimony against social injustice and, at the same time, a touching and shocking coming-of-age story about a boy whose humanity is put to the test.
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  • 纪念品:第二部分

    蒂尔达·斯文顿,乔·阿尔文,理查德·艾欧阿德,查理·希顿,哈里斯·迪金森,亚里安妮·拉贝德,安珀·安德森,爱丽丝·麦克米兰,奥诺·斯温顿·伯恩,杰克·麦克马伦,托辛·科尔,杰甘·艾伊,阿姆·阿勒卡迪,Gala Botero,Frankie Wilson

  • 照明商店


  • 喜剧猛男


  • 飞女刑事II 少女铁假面传说


  • 留下来的人

    大卫·奥伊罗,杰西卡·普拉默,萨勒·利米,伊祖卡·霍伊尔,Alan Williams,尼基什·帕特尔,Ellen Francis,Tara-Binta Collins,Amelie Dokubo,Ravi Singh,Dan Griffiths,鲁斯·西恩,多米尼克·蒂珀